Chapter 2

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Enjoy peeps!❤

(Third person pov)

"Who is coming to my birthday party?" Average asked his goons.

"Has Ariel RSVP'd?" He said picking his nails, his feet on the table in front of his royal chair.

"She said she can't make it sir, she has to wax her legs" one goon replied.

"But she's a mermaid! What about sleeping beauty?" He asked.

"Doctor's appointment" his second goon replied.

"Is she sick?" He asked impatiently,

"Says she has insomnia" the first goon said.

"If she can't sleep she can come to our party! What about Rapunzel? And don't tell me she's getting a her hair done!" Anger evident in his voice

"No, its something called, uh, book" the second goon replied.

"Princess cruise?"

"That's a ship sir"

"Princess Leia?"

"She's a general"

"I demand glorious guests! I couldn't be anymore unpopular! And I don't understand why!" He said sadly. Suddenly the elevator door ringed and in came a mysterious figure, face not visible through their hoodie cap.

"Greetings, prince average" the figure said.

"Its pronounced Aa-vu-raj" he said giving hand gestures to explain.

"Sure it is" the figure said.

"If you're here for the 'we love our peasants group giveaway', that motion has ended. So grab your wrinkles and go." He said, his goons going forwards to hold the figure and send them back, but the figure passed through them turning into a mist and went towards Average's table.

"Do you think that people will respect you if you celebrated your birthday with a beautiful woman on your arm?" The figure said, revealing their face to be of an old woman.

"Finally, Someone talking sense! This horrible crone gets it!" He said happily.

"Then may I suggest inviting, this young lady?" She said taking out a paper and sliding it towards the prince.

"She's beautiful. When can she get here?" He gasped and asked excitingly.

"Well that's up to you. You see, she's stolen, something from me. So you find her, bring her along with you, and won't look like such a loser, and i get my shoes back!" She explained.

"Fear not! Loyal hag! I, prince Avuraj, shall find this fugitive and make her pay for her crimes, by inviting her to my birthday party!" He said standing up on the table and doing a ninja pose. Then he gets back down and starts walking out of the royal room.

"There shall be balloons! Yea, I just thought of it. Let's have a lot of balloons!" He announced to his goons.

"What a bafoon" the old woman scoffed.

(Your pov)

Me and Snow were in my room. She explained me everything, from how her father disappeared, how A witch named Regina is after her, and how the shoes she's wearing makes her look beautiful. I promised her that no matter what, we will do our best to protect her and help her find her father.

And now she is making a missing poster while I'm reading a book.

"It looks just like papa. Don't you think y/n?" She said And I walked up to her to check out the drawing.

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