Chapter 3 (part 1)

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I have nothing to say so... Enjoy❤

Oh! One thing! I forgot to put the key in the first chapter, I'm so dumbbbb

Y/n - your name
N/n - nickname
L/n - last name
E/c - eye colour
H/l - hair length
H/c - hair colour
S/c - skin colour
F/f - favorite food
F/f - favourite drink
These are all you guys need for now. If there are any more, I'll mention them later. But for now. ENJOYYYYY💕❤

(Your pov)

Me and Merlin ran out and followed red shoes in the woods. Then we heard a crash.

"Could it be red shoes?" I asked worried about her.

"Maybe, let's go see" He said and we ran towards where the noise came from.

We reached there and saw a big wooden bunny and right in front of her was Red shoes backed up against a tree.

I quickly flicked my wrist and threw Some Ice at the bunny, and it froze.

I took Red shoes' and Merlin's hands and started running away.

"What was that? Ice?" Red asked while running.

"Its ice powers, I do them." I explained.

(Merlin's pov) (finally)

When y/n touched my hand, I felt sparks, and I don't know why? I now looked at her face. Her e/c orbs were perfect for me to drown in, her h/l h/c hair curved perfectly around her s/c face and cheeks. She was beautiful.

NO. What are you doing Merlin? You need to win red shoes heart, not y/n's!



We were running until I quickly had an idea. And from n/n's face, I knew that she understood already. I dropped my hand from y/n's grasp and turned towards the bunny who was following us.

"Red shoes! Run! And whatever you do don't look back!" Y/n said to red shoes.

"But I can't leave without you guys!" She said worried.

"You're looking back don't do that!" I said while not breaking eye contact with the bunny. You never know when they could attack.

"But-" That's the last I heard before hearing footsteps and turning back into human form. N/n came next to me, taking her fighting stance.

"Hate to zap you long ears, but I need to impress a beautiful woman." I said with a talisman in each of my hands and saw n/n frown but she quickly covered it up.

What was that about?

"BIG SCARY BUNNY OVER HERE!" I heard red shoes yell.

"RED STOP PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER!" Y/n yelled while I got stomped down by the bunny.

Ow.. that hurt..

And right on cue, I got electrocuted by my own talismans.


Then I heard n/n giggle. That voice is music to my ears- MERLIN STOP IT.

(Your pov)

I saw Merlin get electrocuted. Poor guy. I giggled at what just happened.

"Get up we need to go" I said chuckling and giving him a hand to stand up.

"That thing hurts. Now I feel bad for all of them who got electrocuted by me." He winced and I laughed.

"C'mon you big baby" I chuckled and we started running in the direction where red shoes went.

I just got Merlined~ (Merlin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now