Chapter 12 : Rotting Flesh

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The scene opens slowly on a dark room no light escapes and the darkness seems to devour the scenery. We hear steps in the background indicating the arrival of the main character. The spectators are attentive the breath slowed down in a kind of impatience. Not a word not a sound, we feel his presence he is among us. However, our eyes as mere mortals know nothing. Who will be able to see beyond the visible through the infinite?
The curtains open after the twelve blows finally letting us catch the plot. The words are edent, the silence in its endless beauty is broken.
Pouf was in a place that seemed strangely familiar to him although he did not recognize him at first glance. He normally advanced in the long corridor, which seemed less and less obscure to him. The contours were gently defined the materials the forms began to be dicered from each other and everything was organized little by little in harmony with the observation of the butterfly. He stopped for a moment to contemplate the whole. He couldn't believe his eyes, it couldn't be possible. These tapestries these moldings these carpets these shades of gray, he recognized everything.
The number of times he had passed in front, had walked on it. He was thus back at the palace. And for some strange reason he was torn between intense joy and a certain regret. He felt a strange pleasure in returning to the place of so many memories as sad as they were happy in a sense. His discussions with Pitou his admonitions towards Yupi, the hours to watch his majesty.. 
He naturally continued on his way to what was to be a guest room. He hadn't really chosen to go there just his body had taken the initiative and didn't want to hear anything. The heart of the guard pulsated strongly and ficklely. He hesitated for a long time to open the door with his hand almost trembling on the handle and then slowly opened it. The squeaking of the door only accentuated his discomfort while he could finally look inside. What he saw the figea su
What he saw froze him on the spot. His king was sitting right there in front of Komugi and was still playing.

-"What's going on Pouf, he announced  without bothering to turn to him as he seemed so focused and absorbed by the game itself.

"My king, I....," pronounced the guard with difficulty, somewhat moved."

Two crystal clear tears dripping down his cheeks. It was amazing... And yet...

Pouf did not understand, his King continued to play without paying attention to him. He had a riveted gaze on the idiot. Had he forgotten him ? Impossible ! But then why on earth did he ignore him ?  It hurt him deeply.
He tried to get closer, but the further he went, the more the scene before his eyes dissipated like a smokescreen. He then ran to what was left of the apparition and then nothing more. Just a pile of ashes had taken their place.
Where was his king?
He touched the cold and blackish cluster, it was not his majesty it was something inanimate. It was just incomprehensible... He got up in one piece with a grave look with his head down and again he began to run in the corridors going from room to room turning in circles while a voice sounded constantly
"-We are bound "
Your majesty shouted there during his race, forgive him your majesty ... He wished only your success your good to see you conquer this world and did not surport to see you thus diverted from your destiny by a simple human. Forgive him for having been so weak so treacherous in his loyalty. To have lost liver in you to have challenged your judgment. He didn't want to... He....Just wanted to protect yourself, to protect yourself from your feelings from your torments of all these others. He rushed to the last room hoping to find him there but it was incredibly empty. Empty and dusty as if a long white sheet covering all the furniture had been abandoned.
It was sinister...
He was going to close, his heavy heart, but a noise from the outside drew him to the window. He wiped it with a flip of the hand and observed what was happening outside...

"-Kurapika stop, laughing the girl with   eyes [of autumn / winter / spring] while the blonde ran after her with a cheerful mine

- Not until you give it back to me

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