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I watch as sidharth's figure slowly
enters the car as I stand stunned at what just happened.

As the car drives away I shut my front door and look down at what I'm wearing. Shit.

I'm wearing Levi's old top and
some booty shorts you can't even embarrassing. Why does
he do this to me? Why does he make
me feel this way?

I nearly wanted to say 'Fuck it I
forgive you' as soon as I saw him
standing on my doorstep looking
that fine and although the flowers
were a nice gesture, I couldn't bring
myself to forgive him.

No matter how sexy he looked.

I take a deep breath. "Let's get ready
for today" I mumble.

I walk into the small cafe I usually
go too, this time deciding I'm going
to sit and eat here while enjoying
the lovely morning.

It's currently 9:15am, I don't usually wake up this early on weekends but I had to because of an handsome man knocking on my door.

I managed to have a quick shower,
put some product in my hair so it doesn't go frizzy, putting on a
Pink shirt and blue denim skirt with some white heels.

I order my food and sit down at atable for two, alone, in the corner bythe bookshelf where I got a mystery,romance that grabbed my attentionoff the shelf

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I order my food and sit down at a
table for two, alone, in the corner by
the bookshelf where I got a mystery,
romance that grabbed my attention
off the shelf.

I heard voices, people exiting and
entering in the background but
my main focus was on the book
as I took in every word and the
story line. Finally relaxing from all
outside struggles.

"Fountain of love. Good story"

I heard from next to me and I
look away from my book to see a
beautiful woman with soft, silky
black hair and grey eyes.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. I'm shehnaaz" I
introduce myself and she smiles,
how can one be so perfect?

"I'm mahi, nice to meet you" she
replies and I nod.

"Here's your food"  a waitress
interrupts, placing my food and
drink down. I smirk and thank her
as I look at mahi. "If you're not can sit down" I offer and
her smile grows. "That would be
nice, I mean, if I'm not interrupting"
she adds and I shake my head.

"No it's fine, I wasn't expecting
anyone anyway"

"Okay, let me go quickly order and
I'll be right back" she says, walking
to the counter. I place my book back
on the shelf and bring my iced coffee
with an extra shot closer to me as
well as my croissant.

I'm doing a good thing, mahi seems
nice and I need to put myself out
there more and I need more friends.

"Okay I'm back" she says all giddy,
sitting back down and I laugh at her
energy. "Before we start I really just
wanted to say you're gorgeous" she compliments and I smile.

"Thank you, You're absence
gorgeous!" So tell me a little about
you?"  I shrug, taking a sip of my
drink. She thinks for a moment.

"I don't know, I have two older
brothers, a boyfriend and I have an
eye for interior design" she says

"Are one of your brothers names
Sidharth?" I joke and she looks
taken back.

"How'd you know?" She asks warily, okay what the hell? I didn't saw this coming

"He's the dick who came into my
Office and left me on the side of the
road. I noticed the resemblance in
you two" I said and her jaw drops
but soon she bursts out laughing.

"You're her! No wonder he has a
thing for you, My brothers an asshole
but I think you two would make cute
babies" she says assessing me and
my eyes go wide and I nearly choke
on my drink.

"Sorry, didn't mean to just throw
that out there. I hope you can get to
know me and like me despite my
brother" she shrugs.

"I'll try" I joke and as I say that the
waitress brings her food over.

"Thank you" mahi smiles at the
woman as she leaves. "So, what
about you? Tell me something"mahi asks.

"Well I'm a wedding planner, don't
have many friends and I have
no siblings. I don't have the most
interesting life" I shrug, taking a bite
of my croissant.

"There's bound to be more to you,
everything your saying is on the
surface. What about hobbies?
Interests? Relationships?" She says,
to be honest I've never really thought
about it. I know I have a boring life
but now that she says it I realise how
boring it is. I don't really think about
anything but work.

"To be honest I'm a workaholic. I
guess I am just that boring" I shrug.

"Well, we need to change that.
I'll give you my number and
we're definitely hanging out. I'm
surrounded by men most of the
time and they're driving me crazy"
she says and I nod in agreement to
hanging out.


"Good cause I wasn't really giving
you a choice" she shrugs and I laugh.
quite fiesty.

2 hours had passed as we laughed,
talked and ate. I honestly haven't
gotten along with someone so well
since rishi. She's hilarious.

No technology, no texting or calls for
two hours even though we both got
our fair share of calls to the point
where we turned our phones off and
enjoyed each other's company.

"We definitely need to hang out
more often"  mahi says and I nod.

"Yep, you've got my number so call
whenever" I reply and she nods. As
she opened her mouth to speak I felt
the atmosphere in the room change
as the stores bell rings indicating
someone had entered and I look over
to see who and I see a muscular, man who was very....very intimidating.

"Oh shit" I hear mahi whisper and
I immediately knew she knew him.

The man looked around and made
eye contact with us, people looked
in fear as he stormed over. This is
where we die.

"why didn't you answer the phone?!" He growls at her.

"I'm with my friend!" She yells back,
grabbing her phone and purse. I try
to ignore them, not wanting to get
involved but it was a little hard.

"Sidharth almost sent one search team for you" he says and she rolls her eyes. I heard him say, sidharth seems protective but it's weird

"he's dramatic just like you!" She says and he clicks his tongue back down. She looks at me, "I'm so sorry, I have to go" I look between them and give
her a smile,

"That's fine, you go. You've got
my number"

The man gives me a small nod and
walks away with his hand on her
lower back as they exit the store.

It's a feisty family.


Heyy! I hope you guys liked the chapter...


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