Chapter 12: The End

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Its been two days since i found out i was pregnant. I had an appointment today and Calum was going with me. Ash still doesnt know. I had told him that me and calum were just gonna hang but i just told him that so nothing would be suspicious.


"You are about a month long. Are you the dad?" he looks at calum. He bursts out laughing. "Um no my bestfriend is." he states giggleing. The doctor apologizes and lets us walk out the office. Calum talked my ear off in the car ride home about how hes going to be an uncle and what not. "How do i tell him?" i ask looking him in the eye. "Just make it special. it doesnt take much to make him happy." I look over at him making a confuse face. "Not that you arent enough.. oh god .. you know what i mean, i dont gotta explain myself to you!" he explains in a panic. I laugh at him and turn back around looking out the window. I felt a warmth take over my hand. Calum had noticed i was worried and he held my hand. I looked at him then down to his hand. "Its gonna be okay." he states. comforting me. We pull into my driveway, we get out and he pulls me into a hug. "Ash cant know about this yet. Or at least dont tell him without me." I say into his chest. "Dont tell me what. I have a million thing going through my head about whats happening right now and i dont like it." I didnt notice that ash had walked out. His voice was angry. "Its not what it looks like i swear!" i plead with him. "Are you cheatting on me?" he asks in a low voice, clutching his keys. "No of course not i-"I was cut off when ash walked inside and slammed the door. "Ill talk to you later cal." we bid our goodbye and i walk into the house anad see ash packing his thing.

"Ash i swear im not cheatting on you." i say with tears in my eyes. "I want to believe you." he retorts. "Ash do you really think i would do that?" i looked at him wiping my tears. "I dont know." he walks out of the house with his bags putting them in his car. "Im pregnant!" i shout. he stops in his tracks and looks over at me. My arms snake around my waist. "what?" he says tearfully. "Im having your baby." i tell him point at him and emphasizing teh your. "When did you find out?" he questions. "The day we went out. I had a feeling so i texted cal because i didnt want to get your hopes up if i wasnt and he got me a test and it was positive. and today he took me to my appointment to make sure if it was true. Baby im a month long." i explain. a smile tugs at our lips and he runs over to me. he looks down at my belly and smiles. he pulls me into his chest. "im sorry. im so sorry." he apoligisez and we walk inside. he gives me a quick kiss on my lips and smiles. "We're having a baby!" he shouts into the house. Hades comes running over and starts wagging his tail. Chaing assh around the house hades comes over to me. I go onto my knees and he puts his snout on my tiny bump. I smile down at him petting his head slowly.


A week later all of the boys and girls came over for a little get together.

"I have an announcement to make." Ashton calls out. we had planned to tell them that we were expecting. Cal and ash were the only ones who knew about it. "I just wanted to say im sorry calum for jumping to conclusions a coule days ago and i shouldve know that you would never hurt me like that and i wanna say sorry to my wonderfu girl for making it hard on you and for making you come out and say it in a way that wasnt as special as you wanted it to be." i look up at him and smile. everyone else is confused and looking at him like hes got toilet paper sticking out his ass. "I wanted to let you all know that we are having a baby!" he yells in excitement. everyones jaws drop to the floor. they all congratulated us. Its been an hour and all of us were bored. we decided we wanted to go out for drinks. I put on a black tank toop with a pair of black jeans. Ash had put on a black tank and some black jeans as well. we all went out and had drinks. I had water of course but i was sat down in our booth when a man i didnt know came over to me.

"Hey, you look lonely." he states. "um no my boyfriend is over there, i said pointing to ashton. The man gets closer making me uncomfortable. i scoot away. "C'mon princess i could do better." he claims cornering me into the end of our booth. i push him away and he grips my wrists and puts them ontop of my head. a warm stream of tears felll down my face. I lifted my knee hitting him in his private area, making him let go of my hands. I step over the table to run towards ash or anybody really when his hand grips my ankle. yanking me towards him i fall face first of the table. I made a pretty loud noise catching the boys attention. I groan in pain clutching my stomach. The random guy runs over to me and trys pulling me up. I put up a fight when three grown men tackle him to the floor. I squirm away and realise that the three men were Calum, Ash, and Luke. The girls came over and comforted me. I clutch my stomach as a sharp pain takes over. I look down and scream. "No, no, no, no, i cant... this cant happen." i cry into crystals arms. she looked down and saw blood. "Ash come here now!" she yells. he runs over to us and sees the mess. his hand imediately runs through his hair. "Im going to kill him." he yells. "No! dont leave me!" i scream,  he crouches over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Im sorry." i apoligize. his head shoots up at me and his hannd are on my cheek. "This isnt your fault. dont ever make this your fault you hear me." he pleads. hi puts his head down and kisses mt stomach. I  cry even harder. I notice that calum was standing over crystal ccrying. i stand up pulling away from ashtons grasp. I walk over to calum and hug him tight. I can fell his tears fall down my shoulders. "Its okay, calum its okay," i try to comfort him choking on my own tears. "Its not okay. You lost your baby Lia." cries.


A month has passed since the incident. Most couples split after something like that but it made me and ash closer. I had a hard time trying to recover but i was hardly eating. i thought thats what was causiing my nausea but i was actually pregnant again. when i was doing better me and ash had done the deed but i didnt think none of it. i took  test rececntly and it had come out positive.

"Oh my god!" i yelled. I heard loud footsteps and paws running towards the door. "What what happened?" ash questions with worry in his voice. I turn and hug him tightly. "Im pregnant again." those three words sent us crying and hades scratching at our feet. We decided to keep it a screct but we all know that our friend know.

{9 months later}

We were rushing to the hospital becasue my water had broke. once we were there we got rushed into a room. The guys had all came Calum being the first. Calum is like a brother to me. hes helpd me with everything since the day we met. The girls eventually came and i had the baby. I had a baby boy.

"Okay you guys sit down." i called out. I was about to announce his name to everyone. I was waiting for everyone to settle down.

"I just want to let you all know that i am greatful for all of you. I love you all the same but Calum has been there for me since day one. Hes my brother and my bestfriend. He helped me get healthy again when i was sick. his family has taken me in as one of there own. I love this little family we have created with each other and in honor of that..." i started crying because i was so emothional.

"The babys' name is Angel Thomas Irwin." i look over to calum who was crying. I reach out for him pulling him into my embrace. He looked at angel with a smile. Angel smiled back and i let a tear fall. "And with that we wanted to ask you and Crystal if you guys wanted to be his godparents." Ashton said with a smile. they both accepted and we all went home.

Calum and Angel had a special bond. Angel was a mini me to calum. They got into trouble and had fun playing with each other. They were inseprealble. everytime Calum babysat for us it would be extended because he wanted to stay with him. They were literally best friends. And i wouldnt want it any other way. Me and ash got married. Luke and sierra got engaged and Micheal and Crystal were still planning theres. We were really living our best lives. We were all happy and thats what mattered most.

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