Chapter 6: Old Habits Die Hard

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Summary: Y/N just saw Dean on a hunt after 5 years apart. Emotions are mixed, tensions are high, and there's a lot of catching up to do. What will happen next for the once-lovers? READ ON TO FIND OUT!

Warnings: Grief, Reuniting, Old Flames, All The Feels, Cheating

Word Count: 3,341

Gif Credit: Anonymous Google contributor

A/N: Eeeeeekkk! I hope y'all love this chapter! It made my heart smile!

Chapter 6: Old Habits Die Hard

You glanced around, noting that Sam was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was down the trail a ways. These two had a knack for getting separated on hunts. Your heart jumped in your chest as the Wendigo landed a blow, knocking Dean against the wall of the cave. You watched as he dropped to the floor, dazed and confused, and you finally found your ability to move again.

"Hey Asshat!" You screamed, winding up and throwing your axe as hard as you could. It sank into the creature's back, causing a shriek to come from its mouth.

It spun around to face you, glowering and practically frothing with anger. It let out a feral roar as it charged at you. You steadied your pistol between your hands, pulling it up and setting your sight. You shot it, once, twice, three times, and each time, the creature stumbled slightly, but didn't drop.

The Wendigo was getting close. Too close for comfort. You dove under its thrashing arms and reached up to wrench your axe out of its back. The creature spun around and came after you again.

"Give me the axe!" Dean's deep voice came from beside you.

Relief washed through you as you glanced over to see him on his feet and ready to fight. You passed him the axe.

"Let's do this," he said. You could hear the smile in his voice.

You dashed to the side again, firing another bullet into the Wendigo to draw its attention. Once you had it, you backed up against the wall of the cave, luring it in. It felt like it had you, so it slowed down. As it got within arms reach of you, you gave it a wicked grin. Dean had snuck up behind it by then, and he took a full strength swing with your throwing axe, cleaving the Wendigo's head clean off its shoulders. The body stopped instantly, slumping to the side and dropping onto the floor, blood pooling at your feet.

"Gross." You scrunched your nose and stepped around the puddle, trying not to get any on your shoes. "I'll take my axe back."

"Handy little thing," Dean commented, cleaning the blood off the blade on his jeans. "I need to get me one of these."

"I love it," you said with a smile, clipping it and your gun back into your holsters.

When you looked back up, he was rubbing the back of his head.

"You better let me take a look at that."

"Let's go out into the sunlight first." He sheathed his machete .

The two of you walked out of the cave in dead silence, not really knowing what to say to each other after five years of not communicating. Once you were out into the light of day, he found a boulder just low enough for you to be able to see the top of his head when he sat.

"Small cut," You said, digging into your backpack for some peroxide. "Won't need to stitch or bandage it, but you're going to need to clean it twice a day with this stuff."

You sprayed it onto the cut before he could even ask what "this stuff" was.

"Ow!" He turned to glare at you.

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