Epilogue: The Apple Pie Life

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Summary: This chapter takes place a year from when Y/N and Dean finally quit running from each other and accepted the fact that they were meant to be.

Warnings: Cold Feet, Graphic content (blood), Lots of Fluff

Word Count: 6,170

Gif Credit: quin0611 (Fan Forum)

Divider Credit:

Bingo Square Filled: Charlie Bradbury

Epilogue: The Apple Pie Life

"That's all for tonight, folks!" Charlie announced above the ruckus of hunters and family in the bunker. "Feel free to stay as long as you want, but I'm whisking the bride away for the rest of the night!"

You waved to the crowd, smiling at each of them as you grabbed your suitcase for tomorrow. She linked her arm through yours and turned to face you, beaming with joy. "Ready for a night of Harry Potter, ice cream, drinks, and relaxation?"

"Damn straight." You shot her a wink. "Let's go."

"Hold up," Your groom said, stepping in front of you. He looked so handsome, in what you had coined 'hunter formal chic'. A long sleeve, plain black, dress shirt, paired with his best blue jeans, and his freshly cleaned boots. "I know you're not trying to leave without giving me one last kiss as my fiancé."

"I knew I was forgetting something," You teased, smirking up at him as you let your arm slip from Charlie's and draped it around his neck instead.

"Damn right you were." He wrapped both arms around the small of your waist and pulled you tight to his body, planting one long, passionate kiss on your lips.

The crowd hooted and whistled, causing blood to rush to your cheeks. You pulled away and looked up into Dean's beautiful green eyes, seeing nothing but love and every happiness for the future in their depths.

"I love you," You whispered against his lips.

"I love you too." He wrapped you in a tight hug, then released you back to Charlie. "I'll meet you at the altar, Mrs. Winchester."

"See you there, Mr. Winchester." You flashed him a smile before turning your attention to his best man. "Sammy, you better take care of him tonight! I don't want a hungover groom at the wedding!"

"You got it, Y/N." Sam saluted you with a laugh. "But I think we both know how well he listens to me."

You gave Dean a warning glance. "I mean it. Watch yourself tonight, Winchester."

"You got it." He leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on the top of your head. "Go on now. Have fun with Charlie."

"We will!" Charlie grabbed your elbow again, pulling you to her side. "See you tomorrow, Bitches!"

And with that, the two of you headed to her car and sped off to the hotel room she had rented for the weekend. Charlie had really gone all out as your Maid of Honor. She had thrown you the best bachelorette and bridal shower, both Harry Potter themed. Even better, she took you to an all male strip club and paid one of the men a little extra to wear a Gryffindor tie and Harry's glasses. You promised her that you'd get her a Hermione to pay her back when she got married.

When you arrived at the hotel, you were astounded again at what she had done. The whole place was decorated like The Great Hall, with faux floating candles, a feast of chocolate "wands", butterbeer, popcorn, jelly beans, and tarts on the table. She already had the TV queued up with Prisoner of Azkaban, your favorite, and a plethora of pillows and blankets on the couch and floor.

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