Chapter 4: Stay With Me

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Summary: Fast forward eight years! Y/N and Dean haven't seen each other in months, and the circumstances that bring them together are awful. How will the death of y/n's parents affect their FWB relationship?

Warnings: Suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self harm, Death, smut, fluff, angst, heart break, grief, depression, friends with benefits

Word Count: 6,121

Gif Credit:

Bingo Square Filled: Quote C "Say my name..."

A/N: Sorry I'm posting this so late! We got a puppy on Monday night and she has been a HANDFULL! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 4: Stay With Me

Eight Years Later...

After the breakup, it was nearly a year before you saw Dean again. You had moved into your own apartment for some space from your family, so when he showed up at your doorstep one night, you were surprised to say the least. He admitted that he was hurt at first, but there never seemed to be any hard feelings between the two of you. In fact, you two quickly found yourselves wrapped up in each other's embrace, rolling between the sheets. He only stayed for a night or two while he was hunting before heading back on the road. While you had both had your fair share of flings, neither of you had ever seen anybody long-term. You were fine with waiting months between hookups with Dean. He was the best lover you had ever had, and to be honest, you still had those same feelings for him. Feelings aside, nothing had gotten easier for either of you to be together. Dean was still hunting with his family, and you were hunting with yours. Danny really had no interest in hunting anymore, so it was on you to stick with your parents and be their backup.

Today, you would finally get to see Dean again for the first time in eight months, but only because you had failed on your last mission. You were taking on what you thought was one Djinn. There were two. They sent you to the dream world, and when your mom had finally managed to break you out of the trance, she had taken on fatal injuries. Your dad, she told you died quickly. She had taken out one of them, freed you, and once she had died in your arms, you tracked down the second and dispatched him in a blind rage.

You and Danny had a hunter's funeral for them last night, and he readily blamed you for the whole thing. You couldn't help but agree with him. If you had done more research, you would have recognized the sheer number of victims indicated more than one djinn. You could have just asked for their help, instead of them coming after you half-cocked and not prepared at all to deal with two monsters. You were the reason they were dead, and there was no escaping that. Dean had called before the funeral. Word of hunter deaths spread faster than a wildfire during drought season, and he had already heard. He told you he was on his way, and he'd be over to your parents house by tonight.

You were looking forward to seeing him again, but you also dreaded it. He would ask what happened, and you'd have to admit your royal fuck up that cost your parents their lives. Your brother already hated you, your parents were dead, and the last thing you wanted was to lose Dean as a friend. He was a hunter though, and when a hunter fucks up as bad as you did, you tend to get shut out. No second chances. Your hands shook as you opened the bottle of antidepressants the ER doctor had prescribed when you finally made it back to town after killing the Djinn. She said they'd help you be calm, maybe even help you tune it out, but they didn't. Your guilt was screaming like the tornado sirens on a humid spring day, and the sound wouldn't die down, not even when you managed to get a whopping two hours of sleep last night. You swallowed the pill and gulped down the rest of your glass of water.

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