Chapter 7: Addicted To You

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Summary: We left off in the backseat of the Uber after a hot make out session with Dean and Y/N! This chapter covers what happens with the rest of their evening. Will Dean and Y/N hook up? Will they finally let themselves be happy? READ ON TO FIND OUT!

Warnings: Dark Thoughts, Guilt, Cheating, Fighting, Slight Smut, Heartache, love Triangle, Angst

Word Count: 2,773

Gif Credit: deanwinchesterismyhomeboy (tumblr)

Bingo square filled: Quote E (#1) "Why does everything have to be a struggle with you?"

A/N: New month, new chapter! Bear with me! Three chapters left after this! SORRY NOT SORRY! Thank you all for continuing to read and support my writing! I appreciate each and every one of you!

Chapter 7: Addicted To You

As your Uber pulled into the motel parking lot, Dean slipped him his payment, plus some extra for the display we had made in the backseat. The boy thanked us, and we stepped out of the vehicle and into the cool night air.

"I've always loved coming up this way," you mused, taking in a deep breath. "The fresh air, the sound of the crickets, the beauty of the sky and the stars sparkling above."

"Yeah...beautiful." He sounded distracted.

You brought your gaze from the sky, back down to him, to see he was staring back at you. In mere seconds, he had stepped forward, closing the gap between you. One hand wrapped around the small of your back and the other wove into your hair, pulling your body tight against his until those lips landed on yours again. You moaned into the kiss, and you felt his groan in response rip through your body.

The next thing you knew, Dean had scooped you up in his arms, his hands holding you up against him by your ass. Your hands linked behind his neck, bringing our as close as possible with all these damn layers in the way. Without missing a beat, Dean walked up to the motel and opened his room door after blindly fumbling with the lock. His lips never left yours as he shoved the door open and stepped inside, kicking it shut and spinning around to press you against it. With you pinned between his body and the door, Dean's hands were free to reach up and pull off clothes, starting with your leather jacket. You leaned forward, trailing your tongue along his bottom lip, teasing him for access. He parted his lips as he shoved the jacket down your arms, and your tongues started to dance together once again. You faintly heard the leather hit the floor, and decided it was your turn.

You let your fingers trail over Dean's shoulders, bringing them together to grab either side of his Carhartt jacket and drag it down off of his arms. That familiar burn for his body against yours flashed brighter, hotter as you dropped his jacket to the floor and trailed your hands up over his biceps. He shuddered beneath your touch and pulled back to look at you through heady emerald eyes.

"Nice flannel," He said with a smirk. "Looks familiar."

"Shut up and kiss me." You pulled him back in for another intoxicating kiss.

It took mere seconds for the flannel he had just complimented to join your jackets on the floor, and your t-shirt in the instant after that. His hands roamed over your bare skin, causing every hair on your body to stand on end. As he traced your skin, he teased, getting within centimeters of your breasts before trailing away. His lips left yours to find that sensitive spot behind your earlobe, nipping and sucking at it and driving you wild.

"Dean," You moaned, your head falling to one side to grant him better access.

"I love it when you say my name, Baby." His deep voice reverberated against that sensitive spot, sending another wave of pleasure rushing through you.

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