•Chapter One•

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[Nino Lahiffe]
he's so pretty.. god i just wish i had a chance with him. stop it Nino!! you cannot think about your best friend like that. plus, you have a girlfriend!

you've failed her.


why are feelings so.. difficult?

"nino? ar-are you okay?"
adrien's soft voice asked, jeez i could listen to it all day..

"huh? oh- y-yeah, i'm fine. just spaced out, i'm fine."
i can't make him worry about me. he doesn't need to..

"okay.. i didn't do anything? are you sure?"
his voice almost.. got.. softer? lower, slower, tinier. god, he's so perfect..

"what? no, no you're okay. you did nothing, okay? what did you wanna tell me, again? i'll listen, i promise."

"oh.. okay. well- uhm, i have a photo shoot later so i'm gonna have to take a rain check on going to the "Kitty Section" rehearsal.. i tried canceling it, but my father wouldn't budge. i'm sorry- i'll go next time, i promise."
he explained, almost in a rush. like he thought i was gonna interrupt him.

god, he's so prefect. can i just take a sec to look at him?

his perfect green eyes, not too bright to the point where they look fake, but not too dark where you think they're brown.. they're literally perfect. and his soft blonde hair, it's so light.. it's the perfect shade of blonde, not too light and not too yellow. it matches his skin color so well. it compliments his green eyes, and the light freckles dusted all over his face. and the beauty mark right under his left eye.. and then another one underneath his mouth in the right corner of it. then his nose, omg his nose. it's literally perfect, it's not too long or too short. it's a perfect round, button shape.. it's dusted with freckles and a light pink color from the cold and a septum piercing. now his lips, so amazingly round.. so plump and perfect. they're this certain shade of red/pink.. they look so kissable. they top lip is big enough to see, but not too big to the point where it hangs over the bottom one. the top and bottom are literally the same size, just the top is a little smaller.. they're so pretty. they match him so well. finally, his body. jesus- i could look at it all day. his neck is nice and slim, but not too small.. it's so nice, i literally just wanna wrap my hand around it. maybe brush my thumb along it, along his adamapple. his torso is so nice, it probably holds the best pair of nipples ever. i know he has a belly button piercing.. i wonder what it looks like. his thighs/legs/ass.. they're so nice, i really wanna put my head in between them. i want to rub my hand along them.. maybe squish them between my fingers. he has multiple piercings, he has basically every ear piercing you can have. but right now he has a cartilage and dangles in. he has a septum in, one of those basic ones but the ends are pointy. he has a tongue piercing as well, it's just a simple metal ball. now his outfit? he's wearing a simple oversized light pink sweater over a white button up. a simple heart choker, one of those metal ones? then a simple locket necklace, a beaded flower necklace, and a simple green flower necklace. he's wearing a simple pair of light-ish blue jeans, a few rips here and there. they're not skinny jeans, but like boyfriend/mom jeans. they look great on him, they tug his curves perfectly. he's wearing a simple pair of white high top converse, but there's a few flowers embroidered into the fabric. he's also wearing rings on his fingers, both hands, at least one ring on each finger. there's a few metal flower ones, a few bead flower ones, there's a snake one, and an eye one. i can't make out the rest. he's carrying around his signature bag, it has a bunch of pins, some from bands, some from shows, and a few flower pins. his bag is like a patchwork bag, a few embroidered flowers, and hearts.

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