•Chapter Three•

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[Nino Lahiffe, hours later at Kitty Section Rehearsal]
after what had happened in the classroom with Adrien, i honestly can't even imagine to do that with Alya. i also can't get the taste of him out of my mouth.. he tasted so good..

NINO! focus, focus on the task in hand. NOT fucking Adrien Agreste.

"The task in hand" is breaking up with Alya. we're currently in Luka's bathroom in a very awkward silence.

"Alya.. i have something to tell you, and i really hope you don't get mad."
"what is it, Nino?"
"i- kinda- sorta.. helped Adrien get off after class earlier?"
"i- you- you're gay too!?"
"yeah! wait- too!? you're gay!? and not mad at me!?"
"yeah i'm gay! i kinda sorta- made out with Marinette the other day and i kinda found out.."
"holy shit."
"yeah.. and what do you mean you "helped Adrien get off"?"
"uhm- i.. well, i stuck my fingers in his pants and circled his clit then he came?"
"yeah.. dude you have no idea how hot he is- and how good he tastes.. anyway! so- are we.. breaking up..?"
"y-yeah.. actually, that'd be nice."
"great, no hard feelings? especially cause i kinda cheated..?"
"it's okay, especially cause i did too."

me and Alya hugged and left the bathroom and the awkwardness behind. we walked back to the main area, and told everyone the news.

"no way!"
"okay.. kinda expected it"
"you're not crying!?"
"holy shit"

[Adrien Agreste]
i keep trying to focus- but with what happened earlier in the classroom? i couldn't. it's like the adrenaline rush kept coming back, and then it would turn into horniness and i'd get wet. which, is what's wrong with me right now. this photo shoot is so awkward..

Vincent looked at me up and down and was just staring. sometimes it freaks me out when he does that, but he is a photographer. it's his job to basically check me out. i wish Vincent was Nino.. that'd be amazing right now.

"Adrien! focus, focus. come on!"

"i'm tired Vincent! please, can i leave? we can finish tomorrow!!"

"ugh, fine! fine, but only because you're my favorite client. now, leave! leave! get out!"

he pushed me out the door, in my photo shoot outfit, with no bodyguards..

let's get to Kitty Section, shall we?

[Nino Lahiffe]
after the whole break up fiasco thing, the rehearsal continued. it just started, so we still have about- 4-5 hours left of rehearsal.

Marinette looked over to the stairs that connected the boat with the dock. i turned my to the stairs as well, and jesus christ my breath stopped. i heard Alya snicker behind me, but i swear everything stopped.

there standing in front of the entrance to Luka's living room was Adrien Agreste, and let me tell you he looked hot. he was wearing these boots, they were tight and went up to his knees. under the boots were ripped up fishnets and tight ass black ripped shorts. followed by a white shirt that's kinda tucked into the shorts, but not at the same time. he had a baseball jersey that was black, white, and grey. he has black fingerless gloves followed by all his rings and bracelets from earlier. he switches his weight from both feet to his left foot, making his left sleeve of the jersey fall of exposing his tight white tank top and his neck.

he said, his voice small and quiet.

that's it. i'm done.

[Time skip, 30 minutes, Nino Lahiffe]
i had Adrien pinned against the sink in my bathroom, i ended up getting annoyed and terribly hard at the rehearsal. so, i took him to my house to show him a few things.

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