•Chapter Nine•

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this is just a tad bit less smutty. it takes place after a scene (ifykyk) and Adrien asks a loaded question.

[Nino Lahiffe]
"nino.. can i ask you a question?" Adrien sounded like a child that had just got caught eating candy past their bed time. we had just gotten done with an intense scene and i was cleaning him up and getting ready to put a Disney movie on.

"of course you can, angel. what is it?" i don't pay much mind to it, he asks questions all the time.

"you're not doing this out of pity or anything, are you?" woah. loaded question, but why would he ask something like that? i love Adrien with all my heart.

"of course not, doll. i love you, a lot might i add. i'd never engage with you if i didn't wanna take care of you," i tried explaining in the softest voice i could, and i rubbed his thigh in soft circular motions. 

"you're not doing this for my body, are you?"

"no, never."

"not because you're bored?"

"no baby, of course not."

tears. tears fell from those crystal eyes, running down his face and he breathed in and out. the started falling harder, i started panicking.

"hey, hey, Addie (nickname cuz yes), what's up? i'm right here, i'm not leaving, i'm not bored, i'm not using you, and i'm not doing this out of pity. i love you for you and i always will, okay?" a sniffled laugh fell from his lips as he looked up at me.

"i love you too, Nino."

now, that, was the best way to end any night.

[To Be Continued..]

{sorry it's short! i thought this would be a nice little chapter while i'm working some stuff out! i wanna hear how all your guys' weeks went! tell me in the comments and i'll answer you as quickly as i can!!!)

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