•Chapter Ten•

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quick a/n + warnings: sorry i haven't updated this book :/ my hyperfixation for miraculous disappeared- so- uh- yeah. this one's probably gonna be inappropriate- like all the other ones so- be warned ig. all of the characters in chapters now from on are all 18+. specifically, Nino & Adrien are both 19. also this is just a bunch of scenarios of them cause i don't think i could follow through with a storyline rn 😐 but uh- ENJOY 🤍
[Halloween Costumes]
Nino was frustrated. in more ways the one, but currently he was close to being angry. 4 fucking hours in the same costume store. Nino loved and adored his boyfriend, Adrien, but that isn't an excuse for him to make Nino sit his hungry ass still for 4 FUCKING HOURS.

This was pretty normal for the two, but today just wasn't the day for Nino. the two haven't had sex in a while, and it was finally catching up to the elder. Nino knew Adrien knew how sexually frustrated he was, but he didn't do anything to help of course. cause he's a little bitch.

Nino let out a loud sigh and checked the time once again. 12:38. they left the house around 8:25-ish- to get to Adrien's photo shoot early so it'd get done faster. "babe. i swear to everything that is holy, if you don't pick a fuckin costume i'm leaving without you." Nino threatened sternly, he was tired, hungry, and extremely horny.

Adrien poked his head out of the dressing room curtain with a huge pout on his face, "you'd really leave me?"

Nino stared into those gorgeous green eyes and broke. "no, of course i wouldn't darling. but please hurry up." Nino begged, he was getting desperate.

Adrien's face broke out into a smile and said happily, "i think you'll like this next one anyway."

(tw for boys in "girl" lingerie?? idfk ppl don't like it for some reason.)

Nino was skeptical at first, but that quickly fell away and a blush quickly came in its place. Adrien came out in this gorgeous lingerie piece. (look at the beginning of the chapter to see.) Nino felt a rush of blood both North and South.

"oh wow.." Nino planned on saying more, but he couldn't. all the words that popped up in his brain didn't register with his mouth. no words came out, all that happened was Nino made grabby hands at Adrien, and the rest was history.
[Early Mornings]
It was an early fall morning, Nino woke up to his boyfriend's blaring alarm at a ripe time of 6:39 in the morning. Nino hates mornings, unless he gets morning sex. but.. with Adrien being an adult, that means more photo shoots, which means a crammed schedule- which results in his blonde boyfriend getting up at 6:30 AM, and going to bed around 11/12 at night.

With that terrible schedule, they rarely had sex. which fucking sucked btw. the only times they ever did get freaky, it was either super early in the morning, or super late at night. which results into sloppy or boring sex.

Nino wasn't a boring person. And neither was Adrien, so he decided to have his way with his boyfriend.

it started with light neck/shoulder kisses, it escalated to light hickies, then ended in a few bite marks.

His gorgeous boyfriend woke up with a smile on his face and a hand in between his legs. "Nino.. it's like 6 AM..?" Adrien asked a little too innocently.

"Uh.. okay? and? it's 6 AM and we're both horny. did you have a dream or something?" Nino asked sweetly, slowly kissing up from Adrien's neck to his lips.

a light giggle fell from the blonde's lips, then followed a sigh. "maybe.." Adrien smiled as his lover's hand traveled into his shorts, another pleased sigh fell from his perfect pink lips.

Nino smirked as he sunk a finger inside, "you're soaked, why don't you tell me about your dream, princess?" Nino whispered in the blonde's ear.

"N-nino- i- i need to shower first.." Adrien gasped as another finger was pushed in. a staggered moan fell from Adrien's mouth as Nino pushed them deeper and deeper.

"you can shower after, you know we always make a mess anyway." Nino lifted up from the dark hickey he was leaving on the blonde's neck.

Nino added another, that's 3. Adrien was a moaning sweaty mess. "you're so pretty, precious." Nino whispered against the freckled and marked skin of his lover.

"G-gah.. god Nino.." Adrien moaned out as he gripped Nino's wrist to somewhat stop or slow down his boyfriend's fingers. "jesus christ Nino..~"

"mhm, keep moaning for me baby~" Nino moaned out to the blonde as he pushed a fourth in.

Adrien threw his head back as tears streamed down his face, the stretching burned oh so good and he started shaking. God.. he thought, four? i don't think we've ever done 4 before..

Adrien's eyes crossed as he came all over his lovers fingers, his thighs, and the silky red sheets that laid underneath them. Nino pulled his fingers out and they came out with ease, slick covered them.

"Hm.. see.. i told you we always make a mess." Nino said, happily.
[Disney Movies] [sorry lmao :)))]
Adrien knew doing this while watching Tangled wasn't what Walt Disney planned out, but he couldn't help himself. it felt too good. And just as that thought floated out of his mind, a moan fell out of his mouth.

The bed was rocking quickly, sometimes hitting the wall behind the pair. Adrien's legs were slung over Nino's shoulder. Beads of sweat fell down Nino's face, onto Adrien's lower stomach. Adrien's arm was covering his eyes as tears fell out of them.

When Will My Life Begin started blasting from the TV as Nino finally hit Adrien's spot. and god it felt fucking amazing.

The two went round after round, never slowing down, until the end of Tangled.

just a few weeks later, Marinette puts it on while the four of them are hanging out at her house.

The couple turn red and look at one another.

Fucking Disney Movies.
[AAAAND THATS A WRAP! please enjoy i wrote this at my friends house 😭]
{1050 words..}

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