•Chapter Five•

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[Adrien Agreste]
"You're mine."

and he was right. i'm his, everything about me is his. i knew that too, and i knew it very well. i don't know when it happened, but i've been his for a while.

"and only mine, isn't that right princess?"

yes, it's correct Nino. you own me, every part of me. even my thoughts belong to you. i nod, so deep in submission i don't think i could dig myself out of it with a metal shovel.

"good boy.. but i'm not done with you."

not done? what does that mean..?

"i'm gonna use you until you pass out. i'm gonna ruin you without fucking you. you don't deserve it, do you? huh princess? do you deserve to be fucked?"

god i wish i deserved it..


"i didn't think you did. and if i do own you, i'll fuck you when i want, where i want, and how i want. got it?"


"good boy, such a pretty boy.. hm? so pretty baby.."

please keep praising me.. please please please.. it makes me feel so good. his hands are still tangled into my hair, pulling on it with every ounce of strength he has. i want him to pull it harder.. i want everything harder..

"Nino.. h-harder.. plea..please..?"
"harder? you mean your hair, baby?"
"mhm.. please..? just a little bit harder..?"
"aww, since you looked so pretty begging, of course i can."

his voice was so addictive.. his lips were literally so hot.. so warm.. and wet..

"aww, you ask for it to harder, but the poor thing can't take it— can it?"
"oh.. babydoll, you're so precious.."
"mm.. AaHhH!!"

i was cut of from the sentence when he pushed me to the ground, hand still tangled in my hair. god, i wish i could put my hands in his hair and pull..

[Nino Lahiffe]
he looked so good on his knees, i couldn't resist.

"you're gonna suck me off, yeah?"
"heh.. sorry, what i mean to say is that i'm gonna fuck your face with my cock. any objections?"
"o-oh.. mm.. no.."
"okay then, start sucking, yeah? we have a long, long night ahead of us."
"mhm.. b-but i have a gag reflex.."
"oh, that won't be there for much longer. i'll fuck it out of you."
"h-hah..~ okay.."

i loosened the grip on his hair, letting him move to unbuckle my pants. his fingers fumbled on the buttons, such a pathetic little thing.. so pretty though. after he got them unbuckled, he tried pulling my pants off. i denied him, they're not coming off until later, my jacket was already lost in the bathroom. Adrien whined, but he unzipped my pants and stared at my boxers for a few seconds. Adrien looked up at me, then back at my boxers.

"what's wrong? do you know how to suck a dick?"
"n-not exactly.."
"didn't think so, i'll just fuck your face till you get it, yeah?"
"y-yeah.. o-okay.."

after getting situated, he stared at my dick.. i'd love to know why.

"what's up, gorgeous?"
"h-how big..?"
"i think- 7/8 inches? why.. are you scared?"
"huh!? no! i'm not-"

i shut him up by grabbing a chunk of his hair and pushing head closer to it.

"if you're not scared, get to sucking.. yeah?"

his breath hitched again.

"open your mouth, pretty boy"

Adrien's eyes met mine as he opened his mouth, not ready for what was about to happen. i quickly shoved his mouth onto my dick, i groaned at the sensation. it was very warm, and extremely wet.. it reminds me of something.

[Tim skip, Nino Lahiffe. (idfk how to write blowjobs..)]
i'm so glad my parents are away for the rest of the month.. if they were here, all you could hear was gagging. it was hot though, extremely hot actually. it's like he was slobbering all over my dick, trying to take more but his gag reflex told him no. it was honestly like when you eat one of those suckers that are the twisted ones on a stick and you try to take the whole thing in your mouth but can't. this is just 10x hotter. my dick was muffling a lot of things, lots of moans and whines. it could not muffle his gagging though. when Adrien told me he has a gag, i really thought it was super small. but no.. i'll definitely fuck it out of him though.

"mhm! nhh.. mmmfff!!~"

god, i swear if i could take a picture of this i would.. or maybe i can. i pick up my phone and flash it down to him, he looks up and a muffled whine came from his lips as he tried pulling off. i pushed his head back down, making a very loud gag came out of his mouth.

"smile for the camera babyboy."


i threw my phone on the bed and started throat fucking him. gag after gag poured out of his mouth, his lips were already stained from my precum, i couldn't wait to stain his throat. i was getting close too, so i didn't warn him at all. a few minutes later, i groan and cum in his mouth. "hnn! mm!" he tried pulling off, but i held him there.


he has tears running down his face, his lips red and stained, same with his cheeks.

i pulled Adrien off, shoving my middle and ring finger down his throat to make sure he swallowed everything. he should be grateful for it. after i pulled Adrien off, he looked so tired.. i almost felt bad, but god he looked pretty.

i put my dick back in my pants and picked him up and lied him down.

[Adrien Agreste]
okay, so note to self, cum? it's disgusting. worsts tasting thing ever, it's so sticky and nasty and the way it goes down your throat.. it's kinda addicting though. i wanna do it again..

"you ready, kitten?"
"r-ready? for what..?"
"for you to cum.."
"oh! yes.. i'm ready.."
"alright, i'm not stopping until i want too."

what's he gonna do? he's going in between my thighs again, just like earlier.. then he takes off my shorts and underwear at the same time.. jesus—

"ready bunny?"
"huh- what are you gonna do?"
"eat you out?"
"o-oh.. OH- uh.. yeah.. i'm ready.."
"alright, tap my hand if you have a question or something okay?"
"okay, Nino.."

that's when he basically dug his head into my clit.. and omg it felt amazing.

[Nino Lahiffe]
god, his moaning is so pretty.. and god his taste? it's so good.

after about a half an hour, he's twitching, and whining. Adrien's hands are tangled in my hair, he was moaning and crying.. sobbing.. so pretty.

"ha- hah!! mm..~"

so very pretty..

"Nino!~ please..~"

so whiney..


so needy..


all mine..



[To Be Continued..]

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