•Chapter Two•

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[Nino Lahiffe]

i sigh, obviously annoyed. i didn't move my hand though.

"n-nino.. your hand.. move.. it.."
he stuttered out, slowly. i move my eyes to meet his face, it's flushed a pink color, his eyes are lidded, and his lips are parted.

everyone's already out of the class, Miss Bustiers (??) left before anyone. meaning that me and Adrien are the last ones in the room.

"hm? my hand? what's wrong with it, Adrien?"
teasing, that's exactly what i was doing.

he looked shocked, flustered, and really adorable.

"Nino.. you know exactly what's wrong with your h-ha-"
Adrien was cut off by me moving my hand, slowly squishing his thigh again.

he shuts up quickly, and starts squirming. it's pretty to see him like this. all hot and heavy for me, sweaty and panting. his thighs were warm, maybe even sticky underneath the thin fabric that was stopping me from going further. and god, i'm so close to ripping these pants off. he's so hot and bothered for me, he's a temptation.

"uh-uh.. i have no idea what you're talking about. explain it to me."
i said, making sure he knew who was in charge.

he started squirming again, making little noises. whines, little "mmfs!", or "nnnhh..", it was hot.

"please Nino, quit it with the teasing.."
Adrien pleaded, watery green eyes staring at me with expecting and lust. he stared at me, his beautiful green eyes looked so pretty staring at me with tears growing in them from being so overworked. it almost made me give into him, but i didn't. teasing Adrien was the best part of all this, getting him all hot and sweaty for me was an accomplishment i never knew i would accomplish. getting the Adrien Agreste to be submissive and he's begging me? i definitely get bragging rights for this one. too bad i can't get this on tape, or even a picture of this.

"what do you want then?"

"huh? what-"

"you heard me, Adrien."

"mm.. n-no.."

"heh, you're being the tease now, dollface."

he flushes, closes his eyes, and moves his head to "look" at the window. Adrien's so pretty.. i wanna ruin him.

"c'mon Adrien, tell me what you want. if you don't, we're gonna leave and go to class."

he snaps his head towards me, looking very lustful, but shocked. i broke the eye contact, looking down to his pants. there's no bulge, but there is a wet spot. huh.. that makes sense on why it was so warm.

"Nino.. quit it! don't.. don't look at it!"

"okay, but tell me what you want. or i'll leave you exactly like this. all hot and bothered, wet and sticky, sweaty and needy. you don't want that do you?"

my hand slowly moved up, started to rub against his heat. he closes his eyes, and lets out a sigh of complete euphoria.

"Nino.. p-please.. faster..?"
Adrien pleaded with bigger tears started to grow in his lidded green eyes.

"faster? is that.. all you want?~"

"ha..ha~ hmm..~ n..no..- yes.. wait- n-no!!"

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