•My MLB Character Headcanons!!•

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PSA: these are MY headcanons, if you don't agree then feel free to give me yours! these are my opinions and analysis on characters!! absolutely NONE of this is canon, that's why they're *headcanons*. the character's name that's in the [] is who the headcanons are for :) thank you :)

[Adrien Agreste]
-Adrien is either Pansexual or Gay, i personally think he's Gay- but he def gives off pan vibes.

-they go by any pronouns, but people use he/him the most; and they're fine with it! he doesn't mind who uses what tbh.

-Adrien is also okay with any gendered terms. (EX: girlfriend, boyfriend, petnames, and compliments) for compliments though, he prefers feminine stuff :)

-he wears this certain style, it's hard to explain but it's something like this:

-he wears this certain style, it's hard to explain but it's something like this:

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Nino loves his style so much

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Nino loves his style so much.

-he's def a feminist, loves women sm

-he's matured a lot, and enjoys modeling. he just hates the fame and attention that comes with it.

-Adrien actually went to school, Kindergarten-1st grade, but when his mom and dad started arguing because his father worked too much.. he started acting out; and eventually got kicked out of the school for attention.

-Adrien now wears a ton of rings to hide his miraculous.

-Adrien's handwriting is really neat and very pretty too. it's only because his father signed him up for "handwriting classes" because, "he's not going to have a son that can't write neatly and in between the lines."

-Adrien and Vincent (his photographer) are extremely close, Vincent is the only photographer Adrien has had since he was 5.
the one he had before that, sexualized him way too much. telling Adrien things like, "you and your mother have very similar body types." "you're gonna grow up into a beautiful body" "your bodyguards and father are gonna end up having to kill someone over your body." and ending up grooming him. it wasn't full on r@pe, but it was a forced bj. he was 5 at the time, his father flipped out and ended up calling the police and beating the guy's ass.

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