•Chapter Seven•

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tw: mentions of sh, scar warship
[Nino Lahiffe]
adrien's scars are healing extremely well, actually. i'm glad that they are, and i'm glad that he's getting better. i love him so much.

"nino? are you listening..?"

right, me and adrien are studying. forgot about that, honestly.

you wanna hear about what he's wearing? here, i'll tell you.

his beautiful blonde hair is a bit messy, and it's all over his face hiding it slightly. his green eyes hold slight eye bags under them, only from being up all night studying even though i told him it's okay and i'll help him with it. his eyelids carry smudged eyeliner, both under and above the eye with slight black eyeshadow. his face is dusted with freckles, and a light blush. he has a nose chain on, a heart one, along with his normal septum piercing. he had dangling heart earrings on and his industrial in. it was an arrow, with a heart at one end of it. his lips are shiny, obviously slick with lipgloss. moving down to his neck, it's littered with hickeys and he has a heart choker on. his freckles poured down to his collarbone, hickeys followed the freckles. he had a locket on, and a few beaded necklaces. he had a white button up underneath an oversized black sweater with a pink heart on it. black fingerless gloves fell over his hands with his normal rings on, and a few bracelets that i can't really see. his black jeans were a bit loose, but hugged his thighs perfectly. two rips covered his knees, and a chain belt found it's way to tug his amazing waist.. god i love him. he had pink socks on, and a pair of black and pink converse with beads on the laces. the shoes along with his signature bag was discarded on the floor. his green eyes were staring into mine while his fingers were wrapped around a mechanical pencil that was previously writing some math formulas.

"yeah, sorry adrien. i got a bit distracted."
"it's fine,, can we take a break? my brain hurts.."
"of course, angel."
"what? do you not like the nickname or something?"
"what? n-no! i'm fine with it.. i just wasn't expecting it."
"oh, i can see we're both a bit distracted."
"your lips look super soft,, and extremely wet. did you put lipgloss on or something?"
"h-huh? oh.. uhm- lipgloss.."
"cherrys my favorite fruit.. mind if i steal a taste?"
"i wouldn't mind.."
"you're gonna have to reapply that lipgloss again afterwards.."

we both leaned in, one of his hands landing in my hair and the other one finding its way to my chest. my hands settled at his waist, slowly rubbing it in a circular motion while messing with the chain that's oddly tight around his small waist. our tongues fought for dominance, and god his lips tasted exactly like cherry. his mouth tastes like mint though,, god i hate mint but when it's him? it tastes amazing. his hands started tugging on my hair, meaning he needs air.

he pulls away quickly, panting when he does.

"jesus, nino.."

my mouth went to his neck, slowly leaving more hickeys and making the older ones darker. he gasped, and sighed in pleasure. both his hands were in my hair, pulling lightly. my hand made its way to his sleeve, slowly pulling it up. he gasped again and looked at me with confusion in his eyes.


he bit his lip slightly while my lips left his throat and went to his wrist, slowly leaving kisses on all of his scars. i slowly started leaving hickeys on his wrist, not like the ones on his neck though.


my lips disconnected from his wrist, and i looked at him, making eye contact. i leaned back in, our eyes never breaking, and started leaving hickeys again. his wrist still in my hand, he gasped again. my hand left his waist, and made its way up to his throat; squeezing it slightly.

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