•Chapter Four•

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[Nino Lahiffe]
me and Adrien walked from the bathroom, which was now all fogged up and hot, into my bedroom which wasn't a mess for once.

i walked over to my bed and sat down, then looked up at Adrien. His beautiful green eyes met mine once again. it was literally Deja Vu, our eyes have met so many times today. and i adored every single time they did. Adrien's eyes are hypnotic.. and i was definitely hypnotized. Adrien as a whole was hypnotic, he was like a black hole.. and god was i ready to fall for the rest of my life.

he started walking over to the bed, but that's not where i want him.

"nuh-uh, floor. now."
upon hearing a command, he obeyed it and sat down on the floor directly in front of me. he looked beautiful on his knees, and i was gonna tell him that.

"you're so pretty on your knees, yeah? maybe it's your place, and that's why you look so pretty in it."

he flushed, and looked away.

"look at me, Adrien."
he looks at me, his sparkling green eyes met mine once again. they were so pretty, they held every bit of emotion that you'd ever see from Adrien Agreste. he was looking up at me, which was one of the most attractive things i've ever seen.

"you want me to fingerfuck you're pretty little mouth, huh?"
he nods, slowly.
"then why aren't you begging for it? i didn't hear a please in the bathroom at all, gorgeous."
Adrien looked shocked, and then worried.
"it's now or never, princess."
"do you want me to help you or not, hun? do you want to keep that mess in your pants present or do you want release? do you want me to make you go home as a needy little bitch? or do you want to go home limping? it's your decision babyboy."
Adrien flushed a light red color at all the nicknames and teasing sayings i said. but again, complete silence.
"hm? okay, fine i'll count to five."
a whine.
a louder whine.
a tiny "nino.."
a huff.
"fine!! i-i'll beg.."
i smirked, finally.. it took him way to look to do that.

Adrien's green eyes stared at me with pure lust. i sat there waiting. no matter how pretty he is, he's not getting what he wants without asking for it. he breathes in and out, huffing and puffing about what he's about to do. he shuffled on the ground and mumbled something, not looking at me anymore. that pissed me off.

"princess.. look at me when you're talking and speak a bit louder, will you?"

i got a hum in response, and then he picked up his head and looked at me.

"p-please.. please finger fuck my throat? pretty please? i'll be good i promise! j-just.. please.."
i hummed in response, that was hot. him begging was hot.
"you'll be good? you'll be a good what, baby?"
"i'll be.. b-be a good.. b-boy..~"
"aww, there we go pretty boy, now open up, yeah? we're gonna start with one finger."

Adrien whined when i said one finger, but he opened his mouth nonetheless. i stuck my finger on his tongue and slowly pushed it in, he closed his mouth and started sucking on it. Adrien closed his eyes and hummed. after a few minutes of him sucking on a single finger, i stuck another one in. then after a few more minutes, i added another one. then after about 15 minutes of him sucking, there were four digits in his mouth and i started moving them faster. then i took my index finger and my pinky out and started fucking his throat with my middle and ring finger. he choked on my fingers, drool covering my digits. he moaned around them, mumbling something incoherent.

i felt like he wasn't taking them how i want him too, so i grab his jawline and tilt it up so he stares at me. then, i grab his chin with my index and thumb. that's when it got hot and sticky. i made it to where his mouth was open, but his mouth was still closed around my fingers. i started to roughly fuck Adrien's throat, as soon as he starts to choke is when i go faster and rougher.

another 15 minutes go past and Adrien looks so pretty. his face was bright red, and i could tell that he was getting tired. i took my fingers out, and look at him. he moaned, tiredly.

"oh baby, getting tired?"
"come her bubs.."
i say, patting my lap. he slowly stands up and plops on my lap.
"can i have a kiss, princess?"
"of course.."

we kissed, i was expecting it to be short and sweet, but no it was rough. my hands were rested on his waits/thighs and his hands were in my hair.

right as we pulled apart Adrien asked,
"what are we, Nino?"
"i was hoping we could.. ya know.."

i look at him, then pull him closer, wrapping my arms around him. but, my hand traveled up to his hair and yanked on his hair as hard as i could.

"hnn! ah!~ N-nino what the hell!?"

"you're mine."

[To Be Continued..]

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