•Chapter Eight•

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warnings for this and a few other chapters :): very smutty cause i just got done reading some smut and nsfw stuff 🤩, teasing, degrading, hair pulling, overstimulation, cnc (consensual non consent, not a r@pe kink.), kinda manipulation- but like not- like hot manipulation- idk how to explain it but you'll get it i swear.

{Nino Lahiffe}
adrien looked good today, and apparently i'm not the only one who thinks so. there's been like 5 guys thatve hit on him, and like 7 girls. IM SO TIRED OF IT.

he's mine and only mine thank you very much.

him and kim are talking currently, so, while he's distracted- can we check him out a bit?

his hairs a bit messy today, so i pulled it into a ponytail before our first class. it's so perfect, just like him. hed look even more perfect with my cock down his throat. he had gold circle earrings in, his industrial, and a few hoops on the side of his ear. zoom down a bit to his face, his eyeshadow and eyeliner were brown today, matching his outfit. his freckles looked so light in the school hallway light, the blush on his cheeks had calmed down since i told him his hair looks nice up. he has the normal facial piercings, his nose chain (regular chain today besties 🤪), his septum, tongue, and now he has a smiley piercing. it's in his mouth and goes right above the top row of his front teeth. when he smiles it shows and god it just matches his face so well. moving on to his neck, it had a few gold chains to match the rest of his jewelry. they lied on top of the brown crop top he was wearing, it stopped just above his bellybutton. his brown jeans had a gold button that was snapped closed, i wanna snap the button open. adrien had a few chain bracelets, and a few other rings other than the one he wears all the time. he had a white pair of high top converse on, there were black heart beads on the laces. so, in conclusion, adrien looked good today.

i stare at adrien just a little bit longer, wanting to stare at him forever. he's the prettiest person here, i don't care what anyone says. he's a fucking model.

he turns his head towards me smiles, waves, then goes back to talking with KIM. now, it wasn't just some regular smile, it was on of those smiles that was like "wow, look at me, flirting with someone else and u can't do anything about it." that pissed me off. so, i walked over there to say hi.

"hey adrien, kim."
"oh- h-hey nino?"

yeah, be scared pretty boy.

"oh, hey nino, do you need something man?"
"nothing much, i just need adrien for a second. alright? okay, cya later, kim~"
"o-oh- b-bye kim-"
"oh- b-bye..?"

we walked away, my hand locked around his wrist.

"n-nino,, why'd you take me away from kim?"
"cause you guys were flirting."
"what- no! we weren't flirting, we're friends- i think.."
"mhm, "friends".."
"a-are you mad at me..?"

as he said that, we walked into a classroom. i let go of his wrist and locked the door.

"of course i'm not mad at you, babydoll. why would i be mad at such a pretty little thing like you?"

"i-.. u-uhm.."

"aww, the dumb mutt can't even speak. he looks so pretty today, huh? everyone just can't keep their hands off of him. but he probably likes the attention, hm? he probably likes it because he's an attention whore, huh? isn't he?"

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