Monday, March 9, 2015

14 1 2

So (AGAIN) I haven't updated but here's what went on that is accually sugnificant in my life: Friday was my mom's birthday and so I decided that I would be nice for a day and I took her out to lunch on Saturday. We went to Stake and Shake and when to Wal-Mart (her idea, I didn't haveany miney after lunch. It cost me $20), then we went home to do absolutly nothing but make dinner.

Today, I was talking to a person who commented on You Are My Sunshine and I thought 'Wow, it seems like this person accually enjoyed the one-shot I wrote. I should write again sometime, but I don't know about what." So I came up with this idea of writing a one-shot everyday for a week to see if I like it and if I want to continue it. So everyday for the rest of the week I'm going to write a one-shot. I'll proably make one today but I don't know how much time I'll have left after I'm finished with my homework, so it's a definite maybe. I'll try but I can't make any promises. So if you've read You Are My Sunshine, arigato (thank you) and I hope that you'll read and like the one's I'll be making later on. As for where the ideas are coming from I'll probably make the characters based on my anime OPs and get the promtfrom a random prompt generator. I guess I'll let you know if I'll continue it at the end of the week.

Sayonara (good bye) for now

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