Monday, March 6, 2015

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So today I'm back in school. The best part about Spring Break was the day the router go fried

There was a storm and I was alseep. Lightening hit the house and because of that the router got fried the only way I knew was because my mom came into my room yelling like there was an axe murderer in the house and she wanted me to jump out of the window and run to the neighbors. She yelled "ANIKA, GET UP AND GET DRESSED!!! THE HOUSE MIGHT BE ON FIRE!!!" Then she went to locate a fire extinguisher. I got up got dressed and then sat on my bed textingmy friends. I had to go outside and spent an hour in the Oh-SO-AMAZING (sarcasm) rain, because the house "might be on fire". Dad and Moe went into town and had the get a new router and a few other things (like fire/smaoke detectors). And that was the most exciting day (about 4 hours of that day) of Spriing Break.

Yesterday afternoon, I went and saw Furious 7. The fast and furious movies are getting closer to GTA than acual street racing, like 1-3 was. Still my favorite movie series ever though.

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