Wednesday, May 20, 2015

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So today my asshole of a brother started to talk bad about my friend Tyler, in front of my parents. So I started to defend him...

And of course my parents interrupted me every time I opened my mouth. Then my dad saw the drawing on my hand and made me go wash it off. I didn't.

Considering I was the first person done eating (as always), I decided to draw the design (the picture) in my drawing notebook. My dad (being the nosy little fuck that he is) came into my room when I was drawing and proceeded to drag my ass into the bathroom and he began to wash it off himself. Not listening to a damn word I said, he then started yelling at meg or not washing in off right away. When, in all reality, if he'd have listed to me in the first god damn place, he would have heard me say that I was going to wash it off right after I finished drawing it and it would've saved my eardrums a lot of unnecessary pain.


So I'm listening to Through the Glass (hence the video). And it's not helping my mood but I'm loving the song.

Also One Day is back up, I you didn't know. I put it up last week (maybe). It was changed a lot. I've also add a new character named Madeline (inspired by @BabyInATrenchcoat915 (read Tak Biblical To Me (by @BabyInATrechcoat) it's great)).

So that's all of today (for the most part). Sorry for not updating my shit lately. I haven't forgotten about Wattpad. In fact it's the exact opposite, I've been reading fanfics every chance I get and not working on the stories. You can ask @BabyInATrenchcoat915.

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