Tuesday, February 24, 2015

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Sorry I didn’t update yesterday, but I did warn you in the description. Anywho, yesterday, I was wearing a Walking Dead t-shirt and dark brown Cargo pants (I love Cargo pants). I was walking to first hour and I swear, half the people in the hallway took one look at me and went to the opposite side of the hallway. I was like ‘Well, fuck you too!’ I probably would have said it if the teachers weren’t around…

Today, I was walking to my locker after first hour with Charlie and Avery. They were giving each other back-handed compliments, because they know they don’t really mean anything. They just say it cause they can. Anywho, Avery said “Charlie without you there wouldn’t be any compliments.” I thought ‘Awwwww. That’s so nice.’ And then, CHARLIE says “Avery without you there wouldn’t be insults.” I thought ‘What? WHAT?!?!?!?!?! CHARLIE YOU ARE GUNNA DIE, TONIGHT!!!!’ (I give out death threats like there’s no tomorrow so that isn’t much substance behind that). The bigger problem is that I have day Hey There Delilah (I don’t know if that’s the name of it or not) stuck in my head all day. I had to take a test fourth hour, and I don’t know about you, but when you’re trying to remember theorems and equations for the circles in Geometry, hearing a song over and over again SUCKS!!! Right when you think you got the equation right- BAM!!! THERE IS THE FUCKING SONG ON REPEAT!!! You’re probably wondering about the hours/periods that I keep ranting on about. Hours/periods are classes. One class takes around 45-50 mins. So my day goes something along the lines of:

6:00- wake up, get dressed, get stuff ready for school

6:45- Watch/Get on bus, put headphones in, ignore everyone

8:05- 8:55- First hour- English (is ok, I guess)

9:00- 9:45- Second hour- PCC (Best class of the day)

9:55- 10:50- Third hour- French (someone shoot me)

10:55- 11:40- Fourth hour- Geometry (EASY!!!)

11:45- 12:30- Fifth hour- Study Hall (The god damn school blocks Wattpad)

12:35- 1:05- Lunch (finally)

1:10- 2:00- Sixth hour- Chemistry (aka- hell (interesting though)

2:05- 2:55- Seventh hour- Photography (prefer drawing)

3:00- Get on bus (YAY!!! SCHOOL’S OVER!!!)

3:45- Get off bus, do homework, *free time* ask if I have to make dinner (then whine if I do)

6:00- Dinner should be done and on the table, do dishes, make coffee for the morning

7:00- Free ‘til 10

10:00- Pretend to go to sleep (Read fanfic, write)

11:00-12:00- Sneak out and walk around

1:00- Sneak back in and try to go to sleep (if not do something that won’t make any noise)

Repeat (my life sucks). The reason why I write is the interesting things that go on during those time periods.

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