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"Hi sweet face" she greeted you as she walked through the trailer door

"Tiffany we need a bigger living space." Yiu said as you looked into her eyes

"Oh we do now" she aske wrapping her arms around your waist and hugging you from behind As you started to make her famous sweetish meatballs

"Here baby. I got it. They are MY famous meatballs" she said gently moving you out of the way and taking your spot

"Tif. We need a house. Or apartment. Something. We have a baby on the way" she looked down at your bump that was starting to show

"I know that"

"Well here are we going to put it?" you chuckled

"She can sleep with mommy and daddy" she told you licking a little bit of sauce off her finger

"Tiffff" you whined making her giggle

"I love when you say my name like that" she teased

"Tiff stop our child can hear you" you placed you hands on your stomach

"She didn't hear a thing. Right pumpkin" she asked putting her hands on your belly

"I can't wait to see you sweet face" she told you belly as she knelt down lifting your shirt slightly to see the whole picture

She kissed your stomach before standing up and resuming what she was doing

"I'm trying" she said suddenly stirring her meatballs

"What?" You asked a little confused

"About the living situation. I'm trying alright baby" she looked at you and you only smiled

"Don't look at me like that" she chuckled her cheeks turning a light shade of red

"I love those little red cheeks" you grabbed her chin and forced her to look at you then you gently kissed both of her cheeks before kissing her lips

She kissed you back. You could feels the smile plastered on her lips

"I hope our baby gets your smile" you told her sweetly when the two of you parted

"Your distracting me" she said turning back to those damn meatballs


"Yes baby"

"I love you" you kissed her should before leaving the room

You laid down on the bed. You fell asleep after only a few minutes.


"Hey doll" Tiffany whispered into your ear

You only hummed turning into her not opening your eyes

"You hungry honey? Dinners ready" she asked softly placing some hair behind your ear

Sweet Tiffany. Your favorite

"When did my sweet girl decide to come out huh?" You asked opening your eyes to look at her

She smiled at you before giving you an answer

"I missed you. That's all"

You kissed her collar bone as it was the closest thing to you

"I don't wanna get up. I wanna stay right here with you"

"We can stay here for a while sweet face, but you do have to feed my baby" she rubbed your stomach

"Was she a good girl for mommy today?" Tiffany asked the baby in your tummy

"She misses her daddy" you told her.

You don't talk to the baby enough. Tiffany already spends an equal amount of time with the both of you and your baby hasn't even been born yet. That baby knows when her daddy is around she always kicks and moves around when she hears Tiffany's Voice

"Feel" you told her placing her hand under your shirt making her feel the small foot that is now kicking you

"Oh hi baby" she cooed

You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. She was so soft.

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