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"Tiffany" you called as you interd your girlfriends trailer

"Hello" she appeared

"Come sit baby" she patted a spot on the love seat next to her

"How was your day beautiful" she asked you

"Alright I had lunch with my dad" you told her.

She could see the sadness is your eyes. Your dad hatted Tiffany and hated how much you loved her

She didn't say anything she only pulled you into her embrace.

"Your gonna be just fine sweet face. As long as your with me, I'll make sure nothing happens to you" she rubbed your back

"Don't leave me tiff" you said tearing up

She kissed your head

"I won't I promise"

"I don't deserve you" you kissed her lips

"I think it should be the other way around. You come from a nice wealthy family and here you are with the trailer park trash" she said in a lighter tone.

"Don't think like that tiff"

"Let's change the subject, you hungry?" She asked

"Tiffany" you warned

You looked up at her sitting up. She smiled but had a tear streaming down her cheek

"Oh nonono baby don't cry. What is it" You whipped her tears

This was the first time you had seen Tiffany cry. The whole year now that you have been together. Sure you've seen tears fill her eyes but she never let them fall until now

"Am I holding you back" she cried

"What? Why would you think that."

"You have so much potential. Me I'm done for I have nothing. Without you I am nothing"

"Stop. Stop it" you kissed every little tear until her face was dry

"I don't want to ever hear you talk down like that again. Do you know how much you mean to me. How much you'll mean to our kidsss" you smiled at her making her roll her eyes

Your trying to talk her into that still.

"Your my whole world. Don't come crashing down." You kissed her lips

"I hate to see you cry" you whipped her cheeks once more before pushing her head down to lay gently in your lap

"Close your eyes my love" you rubbed her hair until she eventually fell into a light sleep

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