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"Hey doll baby" Tiffany sat next to you on the bed

"What's in your mind"

"Well I do need to tell you something" you blurted out

She could see your nerves rise

"When ever your ready babe" she rubbed your back

"I'm scared" you said after a minute

"Baby what ever it is we will work through it okay. We're a team...please tell me so you don't have to handle it all on your own" she said while taking both your hands in here and looking deep into her eyes

Your pregnant. How will Tiffany feel. Yes we had been trying but now that our wish had come true it seems unreal.

"I'm...pregnant" You looked down at your feet

You felt her drop your hands causing you to look up at her

She looked shocked and confused. Oh no did she not want this. You never wanted to push her You thought the both of you were on the same page about having children.

"Baby...say something" you said worried

"Your serious" she said while standing infront of you. her eyes were so hard to read right now. Usually you could see through her as if she was made of glass.

You nodded

She dropped to her knees and looked at you stomach

"There's a baby in there" she asked placing a hand on your stomach

You nodded again still a little confused about her reaction

"Oh my goodness" a small smile spread onto her face

Making you smile. She was excited.

Tears filled her eyes

"Oh tiff" she made your heart completely swell

She laid her head in your lap as she gently cried into you

You ram your fingers threw her hair

"Baby please don't cry" you told her

"Thank you. You did so well" she kissed you before she forced you to lay on the bed

"Hi my baby Valentine" she whispered with a big geeky smile of her face

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