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"Kids I swear to god" you muttered under your breath when your 2 biggest kids jumped onto you and Tiffany's bed

"Happy birthday mama" Jessie yelled

"Thank you buddy"  the small 4 year old hugged you

"Happy birthday mommy" 8 year old jade hugged you too

"Thank you bug" you kissed her head

"Happy birthday to you" you heard the sound of your wife singing as she walked into the room

She was carrying a trace of blueberry pancakes. Your favorite. With a single candle in the top.

While your littlest David. 2. Walking behind her still obviously tired.

"Happy birthday dear mommy, happy birthday to you" they finished the song Tiffany was now sat where your feet would be in the bed if you hadn't had them crossed

"Make a wish beautiful" she told you softly you closed your eyes while thinking of something before blowing the candle out

"Thank you Tiffany" you kissed her

"Of course" she kissed you back

"Ewwww" you heard jade and Jessie from beside you

"What's so gross huh?" Tiffany teased

"Was it this" you kissed her again

"No stop" jade giggled pulling Tiffany away from you

Tiffany pulled her into her lap kissing the top of her head

I had little David in my lap he was eating the strawberries off my plate

Jessie as usual was in his own little world

"When did was have so many kids" Tiffany asked And you chuckled

"You practically begged me for this one" she tickled jade

"I did...and look where we are now"


"Alright boys nigh nigh" you and Tiffany said from the door after tucking them into bed

"2 down 1 to go"

"You got everything for school ready pumpkin" You asked walking into jades room and she nodded

"I had fun with you today babe" You told her pulling her into my lap

She snuggled into you.

After a moment you patted her hip Motioning for her to get up

"Alright bug go give daddy a cuddle" you told her softly and went over to your wife who was laying on her bed

"I can't believe this is my baby jadey" Tiffany sighed

"What do you mean daddy" jade giggled as Tiffany played with her hair

"Your so big now. You used to be sooo tiny you would just snuggle into me." Tiffany told her

"You were the sweetest little baby"

"Definitely" you agreed with her

"What about the boys" jade asked

"Well let's see" Tiffany thought

"Jessie was the hardest baby. He liked to cry." You told her

"But he's not like that anymore he's definitely the most mellow now" Tiffany added

"And we'll we don't know much about little Chris yet besides that fact that he's a mamas boy" Tiffany said Smiling widely at the thought

"Alight bug...bedtime."

We tucked her in before turning out the lights

"Goodnight baby I love you" you said before closing the door

Tiffany quickly grabbed your hand leading you to the bedroom.

She pushed you in the bed

"Ready for your present" she practically ripped her clothes off leaving her in a leather black suit.

I've never been more ready for a birthday present in my life

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