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"Y/n" Tiffany pulled you away from
everyone trying to talk to you

It was her wedding day and she hasn't even gotten to dance with her bride yet

Tiffany pulled you to the dance floor just as a slower song was coming on

"Have you seen our little flower in the last hour" she asked

"Relax Kitten alright I'm sure she's perfectly fine..she's probably stuffing her face full of sweets" she was right because when you looked to the buffet bar she was at the end of the dessert line

"I never in a million years thought I would get married" she smiled at you and you gave her a puzzling look telling her to go on

"To me marriage had always seemed like you are in a room and you are as happy as can be them someone closes the door and locks you in the room. Of course your first thought would be how to I get out of this situation...then I met you and our baby and I-...wanna be locked in a room with you guys forever" you were in tears

"I love you and our little family" you kissed her lips

"Wanna expand" she smirked at you and your eyes lit up making her crack a huge smile

"You wanna baby?!" You asked and she nodded

"There's no point in having a baby only for them to end up an only child. She's not gonna wanna be with us forever. I'm surprised she lets us coddle her as much as we do already" Tiffany smiled at the little girl that you share as she saw she was making her way toward us

"She's 3 y/n she's no longer our babygirl. She's a little lady now"

"Ugh don't remind me. I've cried enough today" you wiped your tears

"Hello Jadey girl" Tiffany cooed when she finally made her way to us

"Hi mommy..Daddy lookie" she held up a lollipop

"Wow princess." Tiffany picked her us and she was now smushed in between us

"Let daddy have a taste" she opened her mouth

Jade giggled before placing the lollipop in between her lips

"Yumm" Tiffany hummed kissing her daughters cheek you on admired them

Jade soon laid her head down on Tiffany's chest rubbing her eyes gently

"You gettin sleepy little bug" you asked getting the hair out of her face

She only nodded snuggling into Tiffany's boob

"That's a little inappropriate don't you think" your mom whispers in your ear as she walked by

You rolled your eyes

"Can you balm her" you said quietly

"What was that love?" Tiffany asked taking her attention of jade on now into you

"Oh nothing...don't worry about it" you kissed her lips

You were officially a family

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