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"Mommy...Daddy" 7 year old jade called walking into the kitchen where you were holding 2 year old Jessie and talking to Tiffany while she cooked

"Yes jade" you answered

"I have a question"

"Go on" Tiffany turned away from the stove leaning against the counter

You could see on jades face she was having a small ear in her head

Jade isn't one to bottle things up. They pour out weather she wants it to or not. She's also a ever emotional child.

"Oh sweet face what is it" Tiffany asked bending down to her hight when she saw her eyes glaze over

Jade started to bawl.

Tiffany held her arms open and jade walked into them hugging her daddy

Tiffany stood up with the small girl in her arm rocking her back in fort her while she rubbed her back

You put Jessie down and he went into the living room letting us be alone with jade you came around Tiffany's shoulder to see jade

"Breathe baby" you told her gently and she listened trying to control her breathing

"Good see that's it" you stroked her hair as she started to calm down fully

Tiffany placed her on the counter so that you could both she her

Jade reached out for Tiffany's hand which she held in her two. Still wanting some contact with her daddy.

"Now what's the problem baby" Tiffany asked whipping the tears off her cheek with her free hand

"Well...at school..that mean kid asked why I had two moms... and I told him what you told me. Many people have different looking parents and I was blessed to have two moms....he told me that you guys were going to go to hell" she started to cry again

"I don't want you to go to hell...your a nice mommy and daddy" she said in between sobs

Tiffany wrapped her arms around her

"I'm sorry daddy" she sobbed into her chest

"Why are you sorry sweet face?" She asked

"He was mean to you...and I didn't say anything"

We looked at her waiting for her to explain fully

"I said that I had a mom and a dad just like him. But he said that daddy has boobs so daddy has to be a mommy"

We knew that when we decided to call Tiffany daddy it would have an uprising at multiple times in our children's lives. And Tiffany was okay with the risk. She had to be daddy.

"Daddy's a girl yes and daddy's name os Tiffany. Which is a girls name. Daddy's just a title okay." Tiffany tried to explain

Poor Jadey she's too young to understand all this.

"It's alright baby..will make sure someone talks to him" You took her from Tiffany where she fully calmed after a minute or Two

Poor jade.

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