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You sat on the bed having just woken up from a small nap

You watched Tiffany with your 2 month old daughter in her arms from the bed

"Das my baby..Das my baby" you heard her coo softly at the baby who was taking a bottle

You couldn't help but smile. She's doing so well adjusting to being her daddy

"Oh goodness baby you so hungry" she cooed again smiling down at the little one

Once she topped it off  you watch Tiffany gently burp her before she spit up on tiffs breast

You expected Tiffany to get frustrated and you prepared yourself to take the baby. But instead she surprised you

"That's alright...your mama puts things much worse on them."  She cleaned herself off

You giggled and Tiffany turned to smile at you

"Good morning mama" she came in and kissed your lips

"Hey jadey you haven fun with dada" you took the baby giving her a couple of kisses

"Give her back" Tiffany whined making grabby hands toward the baby

You chuckled giving her back

She sat next to you on the bed propping jade up on her knees

Tiffany held her so gently playing with the little hair on her head

"Come on give daddy a smile will ya" she used her fingertip to brush against the baby's cheek causing the corners of her lips to raise just slightly.

"Ugh noooo.. you make thy face in bed" you whined turning away

It was true the baby did look a lot like Tiffany while pulling a little smirk

Tiffany couldn't help but laugh at you

"Tiff stop it's not funny" you hit her and playfully

She smiled at you

"You made us a perfect baby" she admired the little thing in her lap trying to eat her own hand

"You helped"

"Not really" she sighed

"You wanna carry the next one" you asked

"Nope" she popped the p

"Wait so you want another one?!"

"Yes of course.but let's wait a year or two jadey needs for 5 minutes of fame" she kissed her head

"Your crazy"

"You don't want another baby"

"I do but I sure as don't want to think about it now" she giggled

You kissed her again

"I'm so glad I picked you" you rested your arm on her chest then laid your head in your arm

"What?" she giggled looking down at you

"The night of our first date. It was between you and I guy from my parents church. I had never been with a girl and I was curious soooo I picked you" she smiled

"I'm glad. I don't think I would ever find not one but to people who genuinely love me" you kissed her again

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