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"Tiffany" you whispered

"Yes baby" she grabbed your arm tightly helping you walk into your apartment

"Nooo why are we here" you whine

"Because you live here"

"No nope come on" you tried to walk back out the door but she grabbed your arm

"Where is it your trying to go" she asked

"I wanna go to your place" you whined and she nodded helping you back to her car

"Your hot"

"Your drunk" she told you in the same tone

"You gonna fuck me?"

"No baby...your to drunk"

"Boo your no fun" she only giggled at you


"Come on y/n bed" she ordered

"I want meatballs"

"I'll make them for dinner tomorrow..hell I'll even make them for breakfast just get your ass in bed" you listened

"Your scary"

"Good." She sat in bed next to you

"Do you hate me Tiffany" you asked

"Baby I just want you in bed. It's not the end of the world" she giggled

"It's not funny" you whined

She wrapped her arms around you

"It's not...I'm sorry"

She kissed your head and you cuddled into her

"I love you Y/n" she told you

"You do?!" You asked turning your head to look at her and she nodded

"I love you more than I ever thought it was capable to live someone" she eyes filled with tears you being so drunk you barley noticed

"Boobs" you whispered laying your head back down in her chest

"What was that!?" She chuckled tears still spilling from her eyes

"You have big tittys" you giggled nuzzling your head in between them

She giggled a little "I know"

She rubbed your hair and you breathed in her sent nuzzling into her neck now

"Baby!" She whined

"What! I didn't even move" she said shocked

"Your not wearing your normal perfume" you whined again you lived your head away firm her neck do you wouldn't have to smell it anymore

"I'm almost out I thought I try this one for a bit. What you don't like it?" She asked

"No it's great tiff you smell good" you said although you sounded mad about it

"Then why are you worked up" she asked going to stroke her cheek

"You don't smell like my Tiffany" you said pouting like a toddler turning to lay on your side

"Babe" she giggled spooning you

You whined but wiggled further into her

You turned to lay on your back letting your eyes close. She continued to the lay with your hair laying on her side propped up on her elbow as she simply admired you. She loved seeing you at peace

"I'm tired tiffany" you sighed

She kissed her cheek softly

"Go sleepies baby, I'm right here"


For my favorite girl💖💖💖

Keep your head up princess

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