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You heard the trailer door close

You knew it was Tiffany

You tried to yell for her but you had been gagged and tied to a chair in the kitchen

She saw you and panicked emedatly running to you side

"Who did this to you sweetie" she asked

"So what are you into chicks now" she heard a familiar voice

She slowly turned around to be met with that small evil doll

"Chucky..how did..what?" She asked confused

"It's a long story anyway I heard you have the heart of dambala. Im going to need to snag that from you"

"What no" she told him bluntly

"Think again" he held a knife to your throat

She stayed silent. She wasn't actually going to let me die right?

He cut the gag off you

"Any last words" she laughed

"Tiffany" you yelled

"Hey don't make me regret taking that off" he cut you cheek making both you and Tiffany wince

"Oh please not her pretty face" she rushed to your aide

"You alright princess" she asked kissing you and you nodded

"I have a plan. I'm not going to let him hurt you" She wishered into your ear

"Oh secrets secrets" he tapped his knife on the counter where he now was sitting

He jumped up with the knife in his hand and you closed your eyes preparing yourself.

But when nothing had happened you looked up

Tiffany had caught him mid air choking him with one hand

"If you think you can lay a hand in my woman. You are Shirley mistaken"

"No one touchs her. No one but me" she stuffed him into the blender and pushed start

"Are you okay baby. God this is all my fault I should have never left you alone" she untied you and held you in her arms

You quickly broken into tears just so happy for you to be safe in her grasp

"Shh shh babygirl. I'm here now. I have you" she listed you into her arms turning of the blender and pouring the contents down the drain

She held you until her you calmed down

"I thought you were gonna let him hurt me" you looked into her eyes and she felt shame you could see it on her face

"Nothing is worth losing you" she kissed you softly

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