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"Hello babygirl" Tiffany called when she walked into your mothers house

Jade was only 8 months and both Tiffany and you had to work today so she spent the day with your mom

"Jadey baby" Tiffany called again as she walked further into the house

She soon heard laughing she followed it into the living room

"Hi..Hi Little bug" jade was in the ground with a man who she had never seen before. He was younger and handsome. And your mom was watching fondly over them from a chair

"Oh Tiffany..I wasn't expecting you for another hour"

"I got off early" Tiffany said bluntly still confused by the situation

Jade heard her daddys voice and quickly started to make her was over to her

"Dada" she pulled herself up with Tiffany's legs

"Hi angel" Tiffany lifted her onto her hip hiving her a couple kissed in the process

"I'm sorry who are you" Tiffany said to the man who was now standing up

"I'm Erin..I'm Y/N ex boyfriend"

"Oh you are now" Tiffany's eyes shot daggers at your mother

"And why are you here, playing with my baby again?" Tiffany asked her face stone cold

The guy obviously was scared by her as he was fidgeting

"I thought this was Y/n's Daughter" he looked at your mom and then back at Tiffany

"She's ours. Y/n and I...her name is Jade Valentine not Jade Y/L/N" Tiffany said raising her voice a little

"I think it's time I get going" he hurried out of the house

"You didn't actually think you could replace me did you honey?" Tiffany asked approaching your mother

"We have a baby..did you forget"

"No no. Tiffany I didn't" she stutterd

"Don't do it again"

You mom was almost scared to death

Don't kill her Tiffany..Don't kill her Tiffany

"Come on babygirl...mama will be home soon" Tiffany said before leaving as soon as she got her and jade into the car she called you

Hey babe where are you..

"I just picked up Jade and guess who I met"



Erin..Erin my high school boy friend Erin

"Sure did he was playing with my daughter when I got there..he seemed like a nice guy. Too bad he won't live to see tomorrow"

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