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This was my first time writing anything relatively close to smut so be nice assholes

Tiffany woke up to the sounds of you soft breathing telling her you were still asleep

She turned toward you and move all the hair neatly out of your face

You were still naked from the night before

She couldn't help but admire your body

You were perfect is all her was thinking

She wanted you awake so she could play with you again. Take you out for a spin. Whatever you wanna call it. She wanted it now.

She kissed you thigh hungry and up to above your crotch, your bellybutton, you rib cage she licked your round breast leaving marks wherever she went.

You were now awake. Just enjoying the show.

You missed you collarbone and your neck leaving a couple hickys and your lips, and finally your nose

"Good morning kitten" she whispered into your ear

"I'm tried" you whined

"I can imagine you were very busy last night" you looked up at her. Her eyes were

"I know that look" you smirked

"You gonna give me a little treat" you asked moving your hips under her

She looked down at you body biting her lip

She moved back down your body maintaining eye contact with you the entire time

She opened you legs and left little kisses everywhere teasing you

"Tiffany please" you reached your hand down ready to scratch your own itch

"Ahahah put that hand back." She slapped your hand lightly You did as you were told

"Good girl" you were getting hotter by the second

"Tiffany please" you begged again She inserted two of her fingers into you

"Tiffany" you moaned

"Stop wiggling baby...I guess I'll have to tie you up next time" she continued to go down on you then proceed to eat you out

"God Tiffany" you stated at her as she licked her fingers clean

You were still shaking from your orgasm

"Awe baby" she kissed you softly

"I'm done. Just relaxe" she rubbed you down from your climax

"There you go" she let you lay on her chest when you had finished

She kissed your head while rubbing your back

"I love you" she said gently

It was a grantee with Tiffany that once she gets what she wants she is as soft as can be. She melts more by the second

"I love you to tiff"

"Are you hungry.. wanna catch breakfast" you asked

"Oh babygirl..I just ate" she smirked

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