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Ron's pov

"she will understand" mum said patting my head trying to force me onto the train. I didn't bother to say a word back to her as I pulled myself up onto the train.

I walked down the train a little until I seen harry and Hermione sat beside luna as she interested them in something in her book. her strange pink glasses were forgotten on the top of her head, Hermione was rather squishing herself into the blond girl and harry... well he wasn't really paying attention.

"can't find malfoy then?" I joked to harry as I walked in. Hermiones arms flew around me and she hugged me overly tight

"hello my love" I said kissing her and picking her up. she smiled and kissed my cheek as I sat us down. harry said his greetings but keep his attention on Lunas book, I honestly don't think he was that interested.

suddenly the door opened and there stood Malfoy, harrys boyfriend. Malfoy looked at me and Hermione and smiled saying hello but then gave harry a look, I couldn't figure out what he was trying to tell harry but harry got up and left with him.

"they both have been acting strange today, don't you think?" luna said. Hermione hummed as she moved into my lap and made herself comfortable, she grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers.

the train ride went fast, in almost no time we were back at hogwarts. harry hadn't come back and there was no sign of draco, I tried to shrugg it off as I pulled my bag over my shoulder and followed after luna and Hermione. Hermione had my hand firmly in hers so she wouldn't lose me, I loved her so so much but I can't bring myself to have the conversation with her I know I have to have.

"how is my favorite bisexual" Neville asked me as he wraped his arm around my shoulder and started walking with us. I smiled awkwardly, Neville knew what I needed to tell Hermione, i guess it's a big thing, a really really big thing that could damage my relationship. yeah it's that big.

he gave me a look, I know that he's trying to find out if I told her, obviously at some point his mind concluded that I didn't and he sent me a look, a look you would get from your dad for not telling your mum something. I looked away from his shamefully

"harry!!" Hermione called as harry and draco walked over, hand in hand, their hair messy and their faces red. I tried not to laugh knowing what they had been doing. Hermione looked at them worriedly

"did you get in a fight?" she asked letting go of my hand to fix harrys hair. harry laughed shyly and looked over at draco who gave me a shameful look. I smiled and rolled my eyes pulling Hermione away from harry and draging Neville with me.

dinner went quick, there wasn't enough chicken if im being honest, Hogwarts was becoming to be a let down to us chicken lovers.

harry pulled me away from Neville and Dean saying he had something he needed to talk to me about. Neville gave me a 'at least tell your other bestfriend' look as I walked away. I smiled at him and shook my head, no. I wasn't about to say anything you big git.

soon everyone was in bed. harry and i sat in silence for a long time before harry ended up just looking at me.

"you'll still be my bestfriend after this right?" he asked looking at me nervously.

"of course mate" I said a little worriedly. had he killed someone? wouldn't be surprised. had he broken up with draco? no he loves that blond idiot far to much. maybe he's getting married to draco? oh i would either cry or go all angry dad on his ass.

"I know you're polyamorous" he said nervously. my eyes shot up at him as anxiety flooded my veins.

"I over heard you talking to Neville about it at the end of last year." he said awkwardly. I bit my lip and looked down. fuck. i bet he has let something slip to Hermione.

"draco and I are in a polyamorous relationship." he said. my head shot around to him and my eyes widened.

"hes also dating blaise. Im not dating anyone but him" he said shyly. I smiled and nodded my head, im not sure if I was nodding to tell him I understood or to try and process this information.

"anyway- the thing I wanted to say is... I like you ron... in more than a bestfriend way... but I know Hermione hasn't figured it out yet so she doesn't know anything so technically you can't say anything coz that would he cheating and I would kill you for cheating on my bestfriend-"

"harry shut up" I sighed, he was rambling... again. he has started doing this a lot when he's nervous or when he wants to cover up something he has said.

"I like you too...." I mumbled. harry smiled at me and blushed a little.

"please talk to Hermione then? see if she's okay with it? if she's not ill stay back, I don't want to ruin anything with you too" he said. I smiled and pulled him closer so I could hug him. to anyone looking it looks like a bestfriend just comforting his bestfriend. but to me this hug is a bit more than that.

I somehow had managed to sleep but I was still late for breakfast, nobody had woken me up. not harry, not Neville, not Dean, not Seamus- assholes.

"heyyyy look who finally got his big ass out of bed" Neville laughed as I walked in to the hall and sat next to him and Hermione

"shit, did something attack you?" harry asked from infront of me. I glared at him.

"hey" blaise and draco said sitting down. it looked strange now that I know they are dating. Malfoy kissed harry on the cheek and smiled at me and nodded his head. I sighed and looked down at the boring toast on my plate. at least there were pies in front of me.

"apparently we are having a couple more new teachers" Hermione said softly. I rolled my eyes. new teachers were never good and they never stayed for any longer than a year.

"oh harry, I was wondering if I could have a word with you?" blaise had said suddenly, harry gave him an unsure look but nodded and got up. has harry walked away draco slapped his ass causing harry to nearly yell at him.

"can I study with you at free period?" I asked Hermione. she looked at me like she had just seen Voldemort.

"you want to study?" she asked, shocked.

"um.. yeah?" I mumbled.

"okay" she said with a smile and went back to her food and constantly looking at the teachers table to see if someone new would walk in.

suddenly harry and blaise walked back in. harry looked guilty and wasn't making eye contact with anyone. draco frowned and looked at both is boyfriends before getting up and dragging blaise by his robes.

"harry are you okay?" Hermione asked. harry wiped a tear coming down his face. he nodded and kept his eyes on his plate. suddenly draco came storming back in without blaise. he whispered something to harry that made harry nod his head and fall onto dracos body a little. blaise did come back I the hall but went at sat with his other slytherin friends.

"im sorry baby" draco said as he kissed harrys forehead.

"tell him then." harry said poking draco in the chest. dracos eyes shot up at me. my heart skipped. did he like me too?

"you told him then?" draco asked harry. harry nodded

"I told you I was gonna"

"you also said you would about ten times before that" draco shot back with a smile.

"it was six draco. only six" harry said sending me a look of embarrassment. I smiled at him.

"basically ten. and okay I'll have a talk" draco said drinking what was left of his drink and getting up.

"where are you going?" harry asked

"I need to take a shit" draco said making harry pull a disgusted face at his turned back.

"was that all about what I'm thinking?" I asked harry. harry blushed and nodded. I smiled

"what is it?" Hermione asked. I shrugged.

"I actually don't know" I lied. she sighed and got up walking out.

"she'll never be late for a class that one." dean said as he got up and followed her.

He's polyamorous|| a harry Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now