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sex warning ⚠️ 🥰

(also a week later time skip sorry:( )

Fred and George had pulled harry away from draco and I to "have some prep" for him. well thats how Fred worded it anyway.

draco and I sat on his bed. the lucky git has HIS OWN ROOM. no annoying bestfriend, no gay couple ALWYAS HAVING SEX (Seamus and dean) it was so nice down here.

"wonder what my brothers are torturing harry with" I mumbled

"probably getting him into something sexual. they do this a lot actually.  harry hates it at first but he seems to love my reactions to whatever they put under his robes" draco said pulling me towards him so I lay across his chest.

"so when he gets back he'll most likely be all ready for sex?" I asked laughing. draco laughed into my hair

"yeah that's basically the main reason those brothers of yours take him away" he mumbled. I laughed and cuddled into draco, wrapping my arm around his torso and snuggling into his chest.

he kissed my forehead and pulled me even closer

"yknow, before we even asked you out harry would complain about you walking around the dorm shirtless and he couldn't even touch your chest. it was rather humorous for me actually. he actually cried once, although it wasn't good on my behalf coz I was giving him a blowjob at the time-"

"I get it" I cut him off laughing.  he laughed loudly.

"what if he dies come in here wearing almost nothing? what will you do?" draco asked softly

"depends what harry wants me to do. I mean I wouldn't complain if he wanted to have sex-"

"it's only been about a week, you're ready for that?" draco asked looking at me surprised

"piss off" I mumbled cuddling into him

"awe piss off he says" George and Fred said walking in with a very angry looking harry behind them

"sounds like you're getting double dick harry" Fred said wrapping an arm around my boyfriend

"don't touch me again you evil, evil assholes" harry said coldly

"we better go" George mumbled grabbing Fred and pulling him out, rather fast

"what did they do love?" draco asked harry softly


"calm down baby, what have they done" draco said softly, sitting up, making me fall off his chest

"they said they wanted me ready for ron" harry mumbled blushing. I felt my face go red and harry looked up at me

"don't worry I'm not taking anything off. none of you need to see what they have done." harry said awkwardly

"come on love, give us a look" draco said softly

harry blushed a deep red. he took his robe off until he was only in his shirt, it was rather long and went past his knees so we couldn't see what he was hiding

"come here princess" draco said softly. harry obeyed instantly. he walked over and sat himself in dracos lap, each leg was on either side of dracos waist

"now do you consent to ron and I having some fun with our little princess?" draco asked softly, his hands hovering over harrys thighs but not yet touching them in the slightest

"yes" harry said shyly and looked at me, his face bright red. I smiled at him and he looked away quickly. although there was now a huge smile on his adorable face.

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