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when I woke up only harry was next to me. I was confused as to where draco was but just at this exact moment he came storming in the room loudly waking harry up. draco had tears streaming down his face as he shoved things into an already packed suitcase.

"again?" harry mumbled climbing over me and walking over to draco. harry wrapped his arms around dracos waist and rested his head on dracos chest. draco held harry tightly

"im sorry my love" draco whispered and kissed harry on the cheek.

"what's going on?" I asked softly

"every now and again my family has me sent home to attend there week long partys they hold. simply only because they are rich. basically just money hungry people spending a week with more money hungry people and trying to get along. but my father and mother simply find simple ways to get money from these assholes with out it being exactly illegal. I'm always made to go no matter how much I hate it." draco replied. I looked down at the ground, that in this exact moment was very interesting.

"you'll have to look after harry" draco said walking over to me and kneeling down on the floor where I had zoned out.

"it'll be the too of you for three weeks at least-"

"THREE?!" harry yelled in disbelief. draco bit his lip but put his attention back on me

"write to me everyday. both of you. I'll do my absolute best to reply".

for the next hour draco spend cuddling with harry and I. but now he was walking out of hogwarts, I had an upset harry in my arms, I had yet to wrap my head around what had actually just happened

"come on, we should get some lunch" I said softly. harry nodded and took my hand tightly.

we didn't talk to anyone as we ate. not even eachother.

harry had his face in a book all day. although, he wasn't reading it. it had been ten minutes and his eyes didn't even read the paper.

"I don't mean to sound like an asshole.... but he'll be back soon enough. three weeks should pass fast." I said softly. harry looked at me angrily

"these little party's aren't all he said they are. every time some girl comes along and he ends up being told he has to get along with her and then marry her." harry replied. talking for the first time in hours.

"oh..." I mumbled looking down, now understanding harrys pain.

"he doesn't ever bring it up until after he's fixed it and it's all over. although, something just doesn't fell right. i mean three weeks is the longest its ever been since I started dating him." harry said, his eyes didn't leave whatever word on the paper he was zoned out on as he spoke.

"maybe he can't keep saying no..." harry mumbled. at once I got up and was at his side holding him

"harry stop it. don't think like that"

*little time skip:p*

I had spoken to soon. 2 weeks later we got a break up letter that also informed us he was marrying some woman in the next week. harry wouldn't talk to anyone. not even me. I didn't really feel like talking either but harry was far worse. he never left bed and teachers were getting angry with him. he ignored me and wouldn't even eat the food I would get for him.

but when draco came back harry was up. he didn't look once at draco as he nearly sucked my face off anywhere that draco was.

"we need draco back" harry mumbled to me one day at lunch. I looked up to where he was sitting, he was staring at us.

"how do we do that?" I asked, still holding eye contact with the snot faced git.

"maybe we could pretend to date someone else?"

"okay but who?" I asked looking at harry with a raised eyebrow. harry shrugged

"ahh.... Theo?"

"no harry."

"ummm... luna?"

"she wouldn't"

"right..... ummm.... how about pansy? she's kind right?..."

"too whore house. plus she's bestfriends with the git"

"don't call him a git ron..."

"why not? it's what he is."

"right... sorry."

"what about Nev?"

"Neville? really?"

"yeah he owes me one after that whole thing he had with blaise last year before blaise got with draco." I said. harry looked over at Neville who wasn't exactly sitting to far away

"he would?" harry mumbled awkwardly

"yeah. I'm his bestfriend of course he would" I said simply and started eating. harry looked at me awkwardly and then back over at Neville.

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