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I hadn't seen harry in days. I was still under whatever spell Hermione had me under and Neville would only send looks of pure hate towards me.

Well this was until harry walked into the common room, sat in Fred's lap and started talking about Fred and Georges latest joke candy. Neville soon walked over and kissed harry before saying he shouldn't stay up to late with the twins and walked off. I wanted to yell, scream. He was mine. But I couldn't, I couldn't say anything anymore unless it is what Hermione wanted me to say. Harry didn't look at me, not once, his eyes were glued to my older brothers and my best friend.

This was Harry's revenge. And fuck it hurt.

"He looks happy" Hermione said with a giggle. I wish I could talk. I want to scream at harry what the truth is.

And again days and days went on like this. I felt like giving up on the small amount of hope I had left. Most of all when I seen harry and Fred having a snog outside the common room. I can't explain how much that had hit me.

Draco's eye contact towards me was a pure look of worry, and towards harry he had the look of gut wrenching hurt.

And then one day suddenly, Hermione took me deep into the forest

"Look" she mumbled looking at the ground with a sigh

"I am sorry... I wished I hadn't done it but I thought I was in love with Blaise... I'm gonna let you go. I think I have fallen in love with Pansy. And I want to be with her but this whole mess with you is distorting my chances."

And just like that she pointed her wand at me. I felt a sudden weight lifted off my body. I gasped and moved my hands, I had control of my own body again!

"Go get your boys back" she whispered, giving me one last kiss on the cheek before pushing me away. And oh boy did I run.

"HARRY!" I screamed. I kept screaming he will hear me soon.

Suddenly I seen him down the other end of the corridor, looking at me, his eyes filled with tears. He said something to Fred and Fred smiled and hugged him, before harry made a sprint towards me. I couldn't even master how confused I was before harry had jumped into my arms, his legs wrapped around my waist and he started kissing all over my face. I laughed and held his face still before smashing my lips into his.

"Fred is fucking brilliant you know" harry said after we had pulled away

"He... What?" I asked, the sadness in my voice painfully obvious.

He laughed and kissed me again

"Pansy told him about Blaise! And he said if I act like I have moved on from all of you he will drop his curse on Hermione!" Harry said with a big smile on his face

"His what on Hermione..." I mumbled, shocked.

"His curse. When Hermione went running to Luna upset because of me not wanting sex Blaise over heard and asked to have dinner with her and then he cursed her at the dinner... It doesn't matter it doesn't matter we are okay now I have you back!" He replied as he started crying. I smiled and kissed him again

"What about draco?" I asked

"Surely the both of you will come back to me as a packaged deal. Once that Hannah girl gets told to leave we should have him back." He said, the hope obvious in his voice. I smiled and kissed him hard.

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