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After the interaction with draco harry refused to talk to me or Neville. He went right up to his room and to bed.

"One of us needs to go check on him Nev" I said as we were sat at dinner, with still no sign of Harry.

"Well you're the boyfriend" Neville mumbled into his cup. I sighed.

"You're right...." I mumbled getting up. Neville wished me luck as I walked out.

I walked slowly into the boys dorms and into the one I shared with harry, Harrys back was to the door. I felt my heart break a little more just looking at him.

"Hey baby, how are you doing" I asked softly from the doorway, I didn't want to move incase he wanted to be left alone, I didn't want to push his personal boundaries.

"Hugs" I heard him say faintly. I smiled a little to myself and walked over, he moved over and turned around, as soon as I had even slightly touched the bed I was pulled close to him as he cuddles his head into my chest and started crying dry sobs.

"That's not draco... That's not the person I am in love with we have to talk to him Ron please" he cried. I sighed and kissed his head

"Okay h-"

"No I want to make him jealous. That made him talk to me, he said he didn't mean to say im ugly" harry said cutting me off. I sighed and played with his hair softly.

"You are right harry that is not draco. but we can't do anything not yet... But I have an idea." I said softly, making my voice a whisper in fear if I talked to loud it would break the fragile boy in my arms.

"Idea?" He asked looking up at me.

"Maybe we can get someone to pull her away from draco?" I said softly

"Maybe... But I want to know why he's doing this" Harry mumbled hiding his face in my chest again. I sighed and nodded my head


"I know baby" I said softly. We lay like this for a while in complete silence.

"I want to have sex" harry said suddenly. I started to choke on my surprise.

"Are you sure baby? With all this draco stuff going on is this really what you-"

"Please sir I need this, I need to get my mind off it and I can't think of anything better than having your dick in me" he whispered as his hand traveled to the buttons on my pants.

"Harry..." I said in a sigh. He smiled.

"Please Sir" he whispered into my ear. I let out a grunt and pushed him onto this back as I pushed myself on top of him.  He moaned and pushed his body up against me.

I moved closer to his lips slowly, letting him pull me closer until our lips touched, his hands traveled down my robes before I head him breathe out a big sigh

"Take this ooooofff" he complained. I smiled and pulled away, I threw my robes somewhere in the room and went back to tasting his lips.

"Please stop teasing me" he complained. I smirked and grinder on him slowly

"What was that darling?" I whispered smirking at him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Ron please" he moaned grabbing at my shirt

"How about we choose another name for me tonight baby? How does that sound?" I whispered in his ear as I started to slowly undo his shirt.

"L- like what?" Harry asked looking up at me with lust filled eyes

"Mmm there is Sir, Daddy-"

"Daddy, daddy, daddy" he moaned quickly cutting me off. I smirked and lent down towards him.

"How about you get up and go find one of those outfits for me?" I whispered. Harry moaned and nodded his head

"And when you get back I expected you to ride me" I whispered softly and kissed his neck before letting him get up. He reached for a big bag under his bed and then ran into the bathroom. I quickly got undressed and lay on his bed as I waited.

He came out wearing an outfit that made my dick jump simply at the sight.

He looked beautiful

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He looked beautiful.

"Darling I think you should come sit in daddy's lap now." I said pointing at my lap with a smirk on my face. Harry blushed and walked over, sititng himself on me with each of his legs on either side of my waist. As he moved close I quickly stoped him

"Stop, spin around first I want to see every angle of you. And slowly, I want to be able to take it all in" I demand. He blushed deeply and slowly turned around, the bag with all the other things in his hand. I smirked and motioned for him to come over.

I took the bag from his hands and pushed it back under the bed. I grabbed his hips and slowly sunk down onto my knees

"W-what are you doing?" He asked quietly.

"Tell me to stop if I get to much okay?" I replied. He nodded and at once I pulled his dick out from the side of his garment. Wrapping my mouth around the tip and taking him into my mouth slowly.

"F-fuck" he moaned

"Language baby" I warned pulling away.

Something suddenly snapped in harry and he pushed me onto the bed, getting ontop of me and started to fuck himself on my dick. This time it was my time to swear. I grabbed onto his hips and thrusted into him harder and harder each time making him cry out in pleasure and pain.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, harry went red and looked at me.

"Who is it?!!" I yelled angrily

"Ahm... It's me... Can I come in?" Draco called softly. I looked over at harry

"Wait" harry yelled out and started bouncing up and down on my dick until we both had cum. Right after he threw a blanket around himself and one on top of me before running to the door.

"Harry" draco breathed happily, he looked over at me and smiled.


"Why." Harry snapped cutting him off.

"Can I come in? And then we can talk?' draco begged harry

"I don't know. I was quite liking my fuck session" harry snapped back.

"Harry baby let him in" I sighed, knowing that the end result of this would be harry breaking down again.

Once we were all seated harry couldn't help himself, he blurted out

"Why would you do that to me? Are you actually marrying her?"

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