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Nev had agreed on mine and harrys plan. harry was a little skeptical and was to scared to hold hands with Neville the next morning.

"harry what's wrong?" I asked softly, I had pulled him into an abandoned corridor after class so we were alone and he would open up to me.

"what if I end up liking him" harry mumbled. I sighed softly and kissed harrys head

"if you do, tell me and we can figure something out. if you're not comfortable with this at all then we can stop it." I said softly. harry shook his head

"no it's okay. I'm just scared. I really, really miss Draco" harry mumbled hugging me tightly.

Draco then came around the corner but didn't speak a word to us. his wife was at his side

"eww. homos." she said rolling her eyes. harry pulled away to look at her.

"oh four eyes is crying" she said laughing and letting go of dracos hand to walk over to us.

"Hannah. don't" draco said angrily. she ignored him and grabbed harrys cheeks.

"look at him, ugly isn't he?" she said laughing

"and God awful short too. come on draco you bullied that gryffindor girl just before, that was really impressive. don't have you have any words for this ugly thing?" she said, grabbing harrys face and showing it to draco. draco looked between the three of us.

"yeah. godawful ugly" he said simply. harry fell to the ground then. his hand gripping his robes.

"can't the both of you fuck off?" i snapped

"or what?" Hannah said laughing. I looked over at draco, ignoring this screeching bitch

"you're disgusting." I said angrily. his face dropped as he looked at harry who was on the ground, struggling to breathe through his tears.

"come on harry, let's go find Neville, I'm sure his kisses will calm you down" I said softly

"his what?" draco snapped. and just to make the moment better, Neville came around the corner.

"there you too are i was worried" he said softly and then his eyes met dracos, before he looked down at harry

"hey, love what's wrong?" Neville asked.

"hes not your love!" draco yelled at him

"hes not yours anymore either so what's it to you?" Nev snapped

"what does he mean anymore?" Hannah asked draco angrily.

"nothing" draco replied.

"hey hey, it's okay babe I'm here" Neville said to harry as he kissed harrys forehead. at once draco was there and shoved Neville away and held harry himself.

"im sorry darling, I didn't mean it" draco whispered

"darling? what the fuck are you on" I snapped. draco looked up at me, tears in his eyes

"let go of that thing now and walk with me before I tell my father." his wife snapped at him. draco held harry tighter for a split second and then let go. standing up and walking away

"what the fuck was all that?" Neville said awkwardly. I shrugged

"but the idea of faking you dating us seems to be working out great." I mumbled as I picked harry up.

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