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Draco's eyes filled with tears

"Why.... How could you do this to me? After all.... All we had been through... Was this your plan all along? To drop me on someone else the moment I started to like another man and then run off and get married?! What did I do wrong? Or are you really all up Voldemorts asshole-"

"Harry please I had no choice or father was going to kill you and Ron. I can't lose you too like that I really can't. I would rather-"

"SHUT UP!" harry screamed

"I WOULD RATHER BE DEAD! DEAD THEN HAVE TO GO THROUGH WHAT YOURE PUTTING ME THOUGH!" harry screamed. Draco started to cry. All his Malfoy pride dripping down his face in tears.

"I am trying... Please believe me. I came here to say that I'm finding a way out of this hole I have dug us in. I am finding my way out of this mess please believe me... Both of you.." draco said, he looked up at me and he cried more at the angry and hurt look on my face. I wasn't in love with him, I hadn't been, but I did god damn like him enough to the point I nearly was.

I felt betrayed. Hurt. But I knew Harry's feelings would be much more stronger, much more powerful than mine for draco could ever have been. Harry had loved him for years. And draco had turned his back on him and hurt him like they hadn't been together for a minute. Harry loved draco. More than someone could love a boy. Harry had spent years sititng with him, holding him when things were hard and draco has done the same in return. He was Harry's first everything.

"Why didn't you tell us" I asked looking away from him and foe a hoodie to give harry, who currently was sitting there, still in his garment with draco staring. He didn't deserve to look. And even if he did now was most definitely not the time. I handed harry one of my larger hoodies and sat back down

"I couldn't... Hannah... She would have told father and it would have been the same outcome... I'm stuck- was stuck.... I have Theo's family helping me.... Helping us. Please believe me I have cried myself to sleep every night. I haven't touched her, not once I refuse to." Draco whispered

Harry looked over at me. I looked back at him, he was trying not to fall for Draco's words, and I was trying to achieve the same thing. But Draco's tears and messed up hair had me slipping.

"Please... Come back to me" draco said softly

"Fuck off" harry snapped. I gasped and stared at harry

"Not until that bitch is gone. Not until you have your little plan completed. You can't hurt me and expect me to run to you like a lost little sheep. That's pathetic Malfoy! I have loved you for so long and you just turn up one day with some whore on your arm and expect me to still run to you? No. Not until she is gone and you come back here, to us and fix this fucking mess you have created. I'm not gonna even pity you. I would rather die a hundred times then live like you have left me. I would rather have failed the world then have to look at you snogging her in the dungeons and her sititng in your lap at the table. You could have come back and talked to us. We could have made a plan. You could have at least gave a warning that you had never really loved me. I should have known from how you called Hermione the name you had just given me the night before that you were some fucking pathetic man whore." Harry said.

Draco's tears stoped running down his face. Pure shock took over all his features, so much shock he couldn't cry.

Harry was standing now, pulling on a pair of my sweat pants and he stormed out slamming the door

"I didn't expect his forgiveness but I didn't expect that... That.. " draco said after a while of silence

"He hasn't eaten since you got back. He has kept himself locked in here since you called him ugly-"

"Don't bring that up" draco said cutting me off

"I'm sorry draco but you are gonna have to face it. I'll cut you some slack. If you get rid of her by the end of the week I will talk to harry about it" I said. I had to give it to him, it did sound hard.

"Neville. You're dating him now"

"No... No we aren't. That was to get at you" I admitted. Draco snorted

"You Gryffindors are one fucking hard case" he mumbled getting up.

"See you tomorrow" he said softly. Walking over to me and kissing my cheek before leaving

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