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I looked into Hermiones stunned face.

"you're polyamorous and you're asking my permission to date... well harry as well as myself?" she asked softly and almost confused. I nodded. at some point I had started crying and she was sat in my lap drying my tears and giving me small forehead kisses.

"if im being honest.. I have had on and off crushes on harry myself." she said. i looked up at her, she bloody what?

"I was gonna mention it to you, and as horrible as I'm gonna sound... I didn't think you would understand polyamory." she said embarrassed. I sighed and pulled her closer.

"we can all have a little talk about it, okay?" she said kissing my lips softly. i nodded and cuddled into her chest. the time to talk to the boys came far to soon, draco was now walking towards us pulling harry behind him.

"you talked?" he asked sitting down and pulling harry with him.

"yeah" I said softly. Hermione got off me and looked at harry.

"it's okay, he can date whomever he wants. personally I'm more than comfortable with just one partner, that may change but for now that's what I have to say." she said. a smile slowly grew on harrys face as he looked over at me.

"so Hermione- well I think considering the situation we need to stop with the whole last name thing- anyway, is it okay if harry and myself ask Ron to date the both of us?" draco asked. my cheeks went bright red and my heart was pounding. if this was all okay I was about to have three bloody partners!

"and also, harry is to shy to make a polyamorous relationship obvious to the public for the time being so nobody else has to know. of course if you want out of this deal or if you, Ron want out you must, absolutely sit down with us and talk about it. harry and I are more than understanding, a relationship with this many partners needs to stay truthful." draco said. harry was now hugging dracos arm but staring at me with a big blush across his cheeks. he looked like a little kid, it was rather cute.

"of course" Hermione and I said in sync

"so then Ron, would you like to date harry and I?" draco asked looking over and making eye contact with me. I felt my face burning and I nodded my head.

"yeah I would love that"

and as soon as the words left my mouth harry was in my arms holding me tightly

"a warning. he's like a bloody child." draco said laughing lightly and sitting back in his chair.

"wait. blaise-"

"blaise and I broke up" he said simply as Hermione was looking off in thought

"mione?" I asked softly

"what if at some point I wanted to be a part of the relationship? I mean like dating harry or you or all three of you?" she asked draco. draco smiled

"then princess all you need to do is ask" he said smiling. she blushed and looked away. harry sighed and looked over at draco "I want to show I'm dating ron-"

"babe you're hugging him in the library" he said. harry blushed and cuddled into me.

"anyway, I need to talk to pansy about the whole blaise thing, I'll come back over and see how things are going later" draco said getting up.

"kiss" harry said turning around again. draco smiled and came over giving harry a kiss on the lips and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. there was no stopping the burning blush on my face and my skipping heart beat.

"behave. you don't want to push him away on the first day" draco joked to harry before giving harry a final kiss and walking away. harry sighed and looked at me.

He's polyamorous|| a harry Potter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now