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"so you forgive him?" Harry said to me coldly.

"I never said that" I sighed

"Then why aren't you angry?!" Harry asked me, his voice close to a yell.

"We have to give him a chance-"

"Oh fuck the both of you" harry snapped and walked past me and out of the library, shoving my shoulder hard as he walked past.

"What is going on with you three?" Hermione asked walking over to me. I looked at her, god I still loved her. Suddenly her lips were on mine and my hands were on her waist, I was holding her closer, almost desperate for her lips.

"Ron" harry said suddenly. I pushed Hermione away...

"I'm sorry... I'll leave you too your snogging" he mumbled and walked away

"What no-" I started to say but Hermione grabbed my arm

"Oh let him go... Don't you know what we used to do Ron? Together? Before all this Harry and Draco mess we were happy, you love me." She whispered as she ran her hands all over my chest. Something is wrong, I don't like her. But why am I being pulled towards her????? What's going on?

"Ron what the fuck?!" Neville yelled. Hermione shushed him telling him that he was in a library, he simply looked at her disgusted.

"I can't believe you're doing this Ron. To harry... Where did he go?" I pointed at the door. I couldn't talk, I tried but I couldn't. What's going on?!

Neville gave me one last look of almost hatred before running out after harry. Neville calling out his cam the second he stepped foot out of the library.

"Now he's gone. I have put you under a charm. You see Ronald business is a funny thing. Quite unfair I must agree. But what Blaise wants he gets." She smirked.


"Well... When draco broke up with him because harry narked. Well he decided if he couldn't have draco then why should harry? So simply we dressed up a girl he knows and forced her towards Draco's father. Of course Draco's father will try to marry draco to whomever it is that is of his worthy so of course Hannah got her hands right on draco. And then we had you to deal with but that's easy, I didn't pass charms and potions for nothing."

"You both are disgusting" I snapped

"Soon he shall ask me to be his girlfriend, to that I will say yes and I will drop you and then this whole thing will he over, we will all get our happy ending, all but harry of course." She smirked

"What the fuck happened to you?" I whispered

"Harry didn't want to fuck me. He's a gay man. I get a win from hurting him too you know." She said, and took my hand walking me out of the library

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