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harry slept in my bed. he refused to sleep in his own and the others didn't really care either. the problem now it's morning, harry won't wake up. if I couldn't feel his breathing on my neck I would think he was dead. suddenly draco came in and walked right over to my bed.

"it's 1pm. why aren't the too of you up?!" he asked.

"harry won't wake up" I said awkwardly.

"kiss him on the lips. three or four times that always does it. now get up, Hermione and I are waiting down stairs and if you aren't down there before twenty past I'm draging you down in whatever you are wearing." he snapped and then walked out. God I'm dating too Hermiones and one child.

I done as he said and it worked. but harry basically jumped on top of me and kissed me over and over again. I guess you could say it turned into a make out session, but I had to tell him that we had to get up, and the time. he sighed but nodded and got up getting dressed quickly and then dragged me out with him.

"there you too are!" Hermione screeched as harry and I walked down stairs. harry ran and jumped into dracos arms. draco laughed and kissed harrys cheek. I smiled at Hermione who gave me an awkward look, she said to harry and draco that she wanted to talk with me and that we will meet them for a late lunch in about thirty minutes. harry smiled and nodded and draco gave Hermione a look of pure disappointment. Hermione sighed and pulled me away from them.

"harrys a bottom, he wouldn't be a hundred percent happy having sex with just me." she said as we walked down the hall.

"what do you mean?" I asked nervously. she sighed and pulled me into an empty classroom.

"how we have sex ron. with you're dick-"

"okay okay, but why would harry be uncomfortable?" I asked

"he likes things up the ass more than sicking it in." she said rolling her eyes. I sighed almost angrily

"so?" I asked

"ugh. so. he won't like having normal sex with me. I can't have sex with him like how we do." she said awkwardly

"but you have me. and Draco." I said awkwardly. she sighed

"what if I want harry?" she snapped. I sighed and walked out. I bet all draco said was something about harry liking it up the ass and now mione has her head stuck in selfish land and she won't be opened minded. I mean if she would talk to harry-"

"have you seen harry? is he with Hermione?" draco asked running up to me

"um no. why?" I asked worried

"he went away with pansy and she said he left and she thinks he is with blaise and they can't be together after what he said to harry the other day-"

"what did he say to harry the other day?" I asked

"now isn't the time-"


"fine. things along the line of killing harry if he doesn't break up with me and helping Voldemort kill harry or some shit like that, I think there was something about him killing me too in there. it was all she blaise made up" draco sighed. I frowned bit and nodded and grabbed dracos hand.

we found harry with Neville. as soon as harry seen me he smirked.

"you never told me lavender called you "ron ron" or "ronny baby" what the fuck" he laughed. draco snorted and I sent a look over at Neville.

"but hey, language you" draco said squeezing harrys cheek as harry hugged him. harry wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I smiled and picked him up, he wraped his legs around my waist and cuddled his face into my neck.

"where is Hermione?" harry asked

"she's being a sulky git" I replied giving draco a worried look.

"we need to talk to you about a little something harry" draco said softly. harry tired to say no but we had already sat somewhere private and were starting the conversation

"you know how normally, when we have sex harry you're.. well the bottom." draco said softly. harry nodded

harry was sat in my lap with his body to the side, facing draco who had harrys legs in his and harry was almost trying to hide in my shirt.

"well. Hermione is wondering if you would have sex with her. now of course she doesn't have anything to pleasure you with but her va-"

"im not a child. I know what straight sex is" harry snapped. draco laughed lightly to himself and nodded

"but would you feel comfortable doing that with me?" Hermione said coming out from behind a wall she was obviously ears dropping behind.

"im not sure... maybe in a while... I'm not used to doing it so it'll probably take me a little until I feel ready-"


"i- I don't kno-"

"I can't handle you. you may as well just come out as gay and break up with me already" she snapped at him. harry just got up and left. he didn't bother saying anything more.

"what is you're fucking problem. he asked for time are you some desperate whore or something?" draco snapped. his voice sounded dangerous and as much as I sometimes wish I was Hermione, I'm sure as hell glad I'm not right now.

"go apologize to him" he snapped again

"no. he left" she said defensively

draco took a deep breath.

"why would you date us if this is how you're gonna act?" he asked. panic starred to rise inside me. she can be like this, she will tease and push draco until something happens, she did something like this to me last year and it ended in a break up, but I felt so upset with out her I begged for her back.

"it's not all about sex Hermione. he doesn't always want sex he wants affection. he wants someone to sit and cuddle with him or talk to him about how much they love Quidditch or something random like that. if that's all you want then I'm done with you" he said and started to walk away

"fine then. ron and I are done with both of you." she replied. draco turned around and looked at me

"hey no I still want to date them-"

"them or me ron I can't do this." she sighed. I felt sick. absolutely sick.

"blody none of you then" I snapped at them. they both looked at me shocked and i stormed off.

I had known Hermione wanted drama. ever since the shit with her and pansy finished she kept complaining she was bored and needed something to mess up or to start a drama. did she seriously have to go this far?

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