Part 5 (KageHina)

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I'm sorry this is so late!


Kageyama went to the top of the staircase and put his phone in the glass door cabinet and started to record. He grabbed a couple of books and threw them down the stairs. He picked them up and moved them quickly. He then laid down at the end of the stars and haphazardly put his arms and legs everywhere. He heard quick footsteps coming his way. He closed his eyes and tried to make his breaths shallow so that the rise and fall of his chest was small. "Tobio? What was that sound?" The footsteps got closer and closer as the calls with no response got more and more frantic, "Tobio!?! Are- are you there?! Tobio! What was that sound?!?!" Kageyama had no response to the questions, he could tell when hinata saw him because the sentence he was saying had abruptly stopped. Hinata saw Kageyama and looked around. He saw Kageyama's phone light flashing red indicating that it was recording. He figured out it was a prank so he went over to Kageyama and grabbed his hand. He started to drag him up the stairs to get him into their room. When Hinata figured out that Kageyama was too heavy, he grabbed his eyelids and pulled them up. When this didn't work to make Kageyama stop the prank, he got up and came back a few minutes later. Only this time he had a glass of ice water. He poured it on Kageyama's face, and Kageyama sat up right away. "What the fuck! Why did you do that!?!?" "Because you decided to prank me, so that begs the question why did you decide to prank me?" "Because you played Mario Kart without me." Kageyama got up, walked over to his phone and stopped the recording. He sent it in the group chat then said, "I pray for your safety and hope that Saltyshima doesn't kill you."

T-t-t-that's all folks! Anyway TsukiYama is next, let's hope nothing too bad happens, for Yamaguchi's sake.

A "Harmless" Prank (UshiTen)  ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now