Part 18

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Okay this is the happy ending.

He waited until Ushijima left, then he grabbed a pen and paper and wrote,
Dear everyone
I'm sorry I couldn't be better. I'm sorry I cheated on Ushijima, and I'm sorry I couldn't fight back. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry I caused you worry and pain. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you any of this in person.
Please move on,
Tendo Satori
He read through it again and again. He quickly realized it was just one big im sorry, so he tore it up and threw it away. He made another letter, this time it was much simpler
Dear everyone,
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
And please move on
Tendo Satori
He put the note on the table next to the front door, he looked around and saw that Ushijima had left his keys, it gave him an idea. Tendo went outside and grabbed the spare key, he went back inside and locked the door. He grabbed his phone and went to the bathroom.
He went into a dead chat with a large group of people. He texted a simple goodbye, thank you, you made me happy, even if I don't remember most of you. This was met with a lot of texts, and he quickly grabbed a big bottle of Tylenol, it was completely full with 250 pills inside, and not expired. He put 1 pill into his mouth, he swallowed the amount of pills in his body growing higher and higher. The 1 pill turned into 10, and that turned into 50 and before he knew it the bottle was half empty.
He got a text from Ushijima, it said, "hey satori I'm locked out, can you let me in?" He left Ushijima on Read, he quickly started to get dizzy. The entire world was going crazy and his legs buckled underneath him a few minutes later. He fell down, his whole body started to shake, and he started to vomit like crazy, before long he was covered in his own stomach acid. His vision started to get darker and darker, but just before he passed out, he saw 2 petrified friends of his, Ushijima and Semi.
Ushijima's POV
12 minutes earlier
As I was walking home from the store, I got a notification from Satori, it scared me. The way he worded it sounded like... no! He wouldn't do that! He couldn't, right?
My walking pace quickened as I saw our house, I got to the door and searched my pockets, I forgot my keys, I was locked out, so I decided to send a text to Satori. Maybe he could unlock the door? I sent the text and he left me on Read.
I started to get seriously scared. I walked around to the side of the house where the bedroom window is on, I looked up, and I saw Satoris bright red hair. But it was in the bathroom. I watched for a few minutes and I saw him just fall. I ran back to the front of the house, and slammed my body against the door. I saw Semi running towards the house, he yelled at me "Hey! Ushijima! I'm worried about Tendo!" He saw me slamming my body against the door and he started to run faster.
After a few more seconds the door broke open and we both rushed inside. I looked around, and saw a note, I read it out loud.
"Dear everyone,
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
And please move on
Tendo Satori"
As I got farther and farther into the note the worry in my voice became more and more pronounced. "Satori!" I screamed as I ran upstairs. I went straight into the bathroom, with Semi close behind.
What I saw horrified me, I saw my beloved Fiancé on the ground shaking, crying and he had vomit all over him. I ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. "Satori! Hey, stay awake! I still need you! Please! Wake up! I'm not ready to be without you! I'll take your hand! I'll make it right! Hold on, I still need you!"
I screamed at the top of my lungs. I looked down at the frail body in my arms, his breathing was slow, and he was asleep. I heard Semi calling for an ambulance, I rode with Satori in the ambulance.
When we got to the hospital, I was told what had happened, and it was what I was afraid of. "So Tendo tried to commit suicide, he tried to overdose, we don't know if he will survive, but he is stable so you can see him now."
A/N Things continued like this for a while, every day for 2 weeks Ushijima went to the hospital right after practice. Things were alright, until one day...
I went to the hospital like usual, I went into Satoris room, and looked at him, seeing him like that, hooked up to tubes and hoses. He had an oxygen mask on, he had multiple ivs. It was heartbreaking he just looked so, so broken. The cheerful boy I love so much tried to take his own life, I went over to him and sat down.
After about an hour I heard a quiet groan from Satori. I didn't think anything of it and just said "Satori? You okay?" No response of course and I just sat there in silence, until a couple seconds later his hand squeezed mine and he let out a slightly louder groan and whimpered.
I pressed the call button and 2 nurses quickly came into the room. "What happened, why did you press the call button?" I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could get a word out Satori seemingly cut me off with loud strangled screams and yells. His heart rate sped up. "What's happening to him!?" I yelled, the nurses calmly replied, "he might be waking up, because when in comas some people go into a dream state right before they wake up, I will still go get a doctor just in case, but both of you stay here." I was momentarily confused by what she meant by both of us, because Satori couldn't move, but I figured it out that she meant the other nurse and me.
After a few more seconds satori stopped making noises and fell silent. His heart rate went down, and he made one final groan before slowly fluttering his eyes open. I wasn't paying attention to him so I didn't notice this, I was talking to the doctor that had entered a few moments prior.
Tendos POV
4 minutes prior
I have been surrounded by darkness for a while but I can still here everything that transpires around me (A/N sorry not sorry for the Marvel reference 😗) suddenly I was shoved into a very bright room, it had screens all over the walls, the screens only showed white but slowly one turned into a scene that seemed somehow familiar, the first one showed a boy with red hair and a bowl cut playing, volleyball? The next one showed the same boy in middle school hiding in a closet with blood stains all over his face and shirt. The next scene showed an orientation for the first years at Shiratorizawa. After that it showed the same redhead walking into a volleyball club he looked about a year older. I recognized some of the people, I saw Semi and Wakatoshi. I let out a small quiet groan as a headache began to form. All the screens quickly turned on one by one.
Each screen that turned on made my head pound even more. After all the screens were on I looked around, it was my life! That's why everything felt familiar!
I heard a distant sounding voice. It said "Satori, you okay?" Wakatoshi! It was him. I opened my mouth to call out to him, however my body tensed up and all that came out were strangled screams and yells. It felt like my head had broken open and all the information in the world was being poured into my brain.
After about 20 seconds of this my headache subsided and my eyes closed. I fell into a sleep-like state that I recognized. I heard distant talking. It was Wakatoshi and someone I didn't know. I tried to open my eyes but I felt like I was falling.
I managed to flutter open my eyes, and I was hit in the face by bright lights. The first thing that came to my mind was "Damn! It's bright in here!" Wakatoshis head whipped around and stared at me in disbelief. "Did I say that out loud?" I saw Wakatoshi tear up and heard him say "y-yes." I was surprised, his voice wasn't distant. It was clear.
A/N so I don't know how to continue that scene so imma do a time skip to a week or so later when Tendo is being taken home by Ushijima, btw he is in a wheelchair.
3rd Person POV
"So... are you happy to be going home?" "Well yeah kinda, and there's something I have to tell you, I remembered." "What. Satori this is amazing! Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want any more tests!" Tendo said while making the most adorable pouty face you will ever see. As Ushijima and Tendo pulled up into the driveway of their home, multiple people came pouring out of the front door. The old shiratorizawa and karasuno teams were there. Everyone came up to him to greet him and welcome him home from the hospital.
When Semi and Shirabo went over to announce that they are dating, in response Tendo said, "Good for you, Semi Semi." This made Semi start to tear up. "W-wait why are you crying!" "Cause I never thought I would hear you call me that again!"
The day went on as normal. And at one point Noya and Tanaka grabbed Tendo out of his wheelchair and put him on their shoulders, this gave everyone a good laugh and Ushijima a good scare.
A couple of months later Tendo has made a full recovery, and because Nikushimi came into contact with Tendo again they were able to take him to court and he was charged with abuse, rape, harassment, suicide baiting, and it turned out that he actually sold drugs for a living instaid of having a real job. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison without the possibility to appeal his sentence. Things ended up turning out alright, Tendo and Ushijima got married and per Ushijima's request they got a house with no stairs. When buying the house, what Tendo didn't tell Ushijima is that it's a 3 story house with elevators, not stairs. Also in case you were wondering, Nikushimi died in prison after being beaten brutally by a prison gang. He died a slow and painful death.
OK so that definitely could have been a better ending. I don't know how to do happy endings correctly, I just don't. Thank you so so much for reading this story. This is only my second fanfic but I really do plan to make more you're just gonna have to give me a little bit of time this time. School is currently in session I'm in seventh grade now and I'm not gonna have nearly as much time to write as I used to so I will try to write as much as I can over the course of the school year but I might not be uploading for a little while also if you guys have any suggestions for future projects and or stories I would love to hear them I will not do smut cross ships stuff like that but I will most likely do any story you guys want. Thank you so so much for reading this it really means a lot to me to know that people enjoy the stuff that I write and put so much time and effort into. Also if anyone has any tips on how to do a good happy ending please help send help. One more thing You might have guessed from the last chapter but this is the happy ending version of the ending but there is a sad ending version though if you want to read that you can but it's really sad I cried multiple times while writing it I'm also a huge softy yet somehow "in another life" didn't make me cry- anyway- I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this this is so much better than what I thought it would and it honestly just baffled me in the first like two months of the store being out I reach 200 reads and I can't believe that thank you guys so so so so so much it's really amazing how much support this is gotten and just so you know you can check out my other fan fixed but I am not at all forcing you to or anything like that I'm just saying it would be appreciated. Thank you so much for reading this huge paragraph and the story. See you in the next one!
(Btw I was thinking of doing a tododeku Hanahaki story. Nothing is set in stone yet but I do have a few ideas, would y'all be interested in reading that?)

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