Part 8 (DaiSuga)

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Suga set up his phone and started the recording, he slammed his hands down on the top step, he then twisted his leg around in an odd position, "Daichi! I need help!" Daichi replied with "What do you need help with!?" Suga then decided to make this a bit more fun for himself, so he yelled back "I slipped on the stairs and I can't move my leg! I also hit my head and I'm getting a little dizzy!" This was met with silence, a few seconds later Daichi came around the corner of the hallway. "Oh wow, uhhh, do you need an ambulance?" "No, I just need you to help me get an ice pack for my head and leg." Daichi walked over to Suga and he put his hand out, Suga grabbed it and put a lot of his weight on it, "Woah, you're gonna pull me down with you if you hold onto me that much." "I know." Suga took one of his hands and put it up to his forehead and held it there for a second. "Koshi, are you sure you don't want me to carry you? I don't want you to fall." "N-no, I-I'm fine-" Suga faked passing out, and he started to fall forward, Daichi ran in front him and caught him, he hoisted Suga onto his back and walked down the stairs, Suga thought this was boring so he put his foot in the banister and let himself fall off Daichi. He pretended to wake up from passing out, and he started to laugh. "Koshi, why are you laughing?" "Because! You- you just fell for a really basic prank! And better yet, I got great revenge on you for playing Mario Kart without me!" Suga said in between laughs. At this point Daichi started to laugh, "You better send me the recording." "Don't worry I will." With that Suga stopped the recording and put it into the group chat saying, "Alright Tendo, your next!" He also sent the recording to Daichi as promised.

Alright, before we get into UshiTens prank, there needs to be a subchapter so that you can see how Ushijima found out about the prank. 

A "Harmless" Prank (UshiTen)  ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now