2 - "Tell Me About Him"

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i don't think kaeya knows why he wears pants....

3rd Person Omniscient

Aether made his way to where believed his sister had gone, weaving crowds of people. He then spotted her talking to a few people he didn't remember the names of, and quickly made his way over there.

"Oh, hey Aether!" Lumine greeted her twin.

Aether waved, a bit unsure of what to say around all the people. He felt the nervous feeling he despised rising in the pit of his stomach again, and quickly thought of ways to get out of the crowd.
He bit his lip and looked at his sister, signaling that he was uncomfortable and wanted to leave.

Aether and Lumine had a secret code involving body language that only the two of them know- they made this to comply to the anxiety and comfort levels of each other.

That code is:

Lip bite - I'm uncomfortable and I want to leave
Rubbing chin - I'm perfectly comfortable, I just want to leave
Biting nails - I'm uncomfortable, but I'll stay longer
Playing with fingers - I'm perfectly comfortable and don't want to leave

Lumine turned to the people she was talking to and quickly came up with an excuse to leave, turning to Aether.

"Okay Aether, let's go." The twins smiled at each other and left the picnic area, walking to the near by dorms.

"So, Aether...were you okay during your five minutes of socializing?" Lumine asked genuinely.

Aether nodded, "If I'm being honest, I spent a few minutes talking to Bennett, and then I went to the tree. After sitting at the tree, a boy showed up and I spoke with him the rest of the time."

"I'm proud of you for speaking to someone the entire time." Lumine applauded her brother.

Aether looked at his sister happily, "Thanks, Lumi."

Lumine nodded, and the two twins began pondering ideas on what they could do in their free time.

After coming up with no ideas once they made it to the dormitories, Lumine spoke up.

"How about we go to the park to stay out of the dorms for a bit? You can tell me all about this boy you met while we're there." Lumine had a mischievous grin on her face as she said this.

Aether (somewhat reluctantly) agreed, walking to the park and sitting on a bench with his sister.

"So...what was he like? What did you say? What was his name? What-" Aether interrupted Lumine in the midst of her questioning, telling her to only ask one at a time.

"Okay, okay," Lumine laughed a bit, "Then...what was he like?"

Aether thought for a moment, "Well, first of all he speaks in the odddest ways, he rhymes his words and speaks in riddles that are hard to understand. But he's also comforting and just fun to be around and-"

"Aether, you've known him for like 2 hours, no gushing allowed," Lumine said with an annoyed face.

"W-What! I'm not gushing about him!" Aether yelled defensively, smacking his now inflamed cheeks.

Lumine suppressed a laugh, but moved on to the next question, "What's his name?"

"His name is Venti." Aether says confidently.

"I've heard that name around campus...so, a musician eh?"

"Stop it, Lumine." Aether attempted to shut down his sister's embarrassing teasing.

"I'm your sister, I'm allowed to tease you...it's practically my job!" Lumine joked.

However, Aether didn't find her joke funny. He crossed his arms and turned away from Lumine, obviously joking about being mad.

This Side of Paradise (Aeventi) (finished) Where stories live. Discover now