13 - Christmas

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3rd person omniscient

Aether didn't remember falling asleep, but apparently he did the minute he got back to his dorm.

He realized this after being rudely woken up by his dormmate.

"Aether!! Aether Aether Aether Aether Aether!!" Bennett yelled, trying to wake up the blond.

"Whaddayouwan?" Aether grumbled tiredly.

"It's Christmas, Aether!" Bennett exclaimed, "aren't we meeting the others in like 2 hours?"

Aether groggily reached for his phone, checking the time.

It was half past noon, and Aether grumbled. Bennett was right, the two had two hours until they saw their friends.

Bennett watched in amusement as Aether mumbled inaudible curses as he sat up, stretched, and started getting ready for the day.

"You don't seem very excited for Christmas, Aether..." Bennett observes.

Aether picks up some random clothing before responding, "my family stopped celebrating when Lumi and I turned 14, so I haven't really had a reason to be the kid that woke up at 6 in the morning to run downstairs since then."

"That's...upsetting." Bennett couldn't think of any other word to describe it.

"It isn't exactly tragic- you grow up, things change..." Aether trailed off.

"Well, even after I turned 18, my parents still made sure I had a magical Christmas that every child dreams about." Bennett said, "I guess they felt bad for me because I never had anyone to spend the holidays with."

The room went silent, and Aether spoke up, "Well, now you do have people to spend the holidays with. Me, Venti, Xinyan, Lumine...especially Razor."

Bennett's face rent beet red at the mention of his wolfish boyfriend, and Aether chuckled a bit.

"Listen, what I'm trying to say is that you aren't alone anymore, Bennett," that was the last thing Aether said before going into the bathroom.

Bennett sat on his bed and thought about what Aether had said.

"You aren't alone anymore, Bennett."

How long had he been waiting to hear that? Probably his whole life. Bennett thought about those lonely Christmas mornings that he locked away from his memory, and compared the difference between waking up by himself and waking up knowing that he had a friend to wake up nearby.

He preferred having someone to wake up with.

"You're right, Aether. I'm not alone anymore." Bennett whispered to himself before beginning to get ready.

2 hr timeskip because your author is really lazy/hj.

(a/n i just ran out of tic tacs :( )

Aether and Bennett were both ready for the Christmas party that they would see their friends at.

"Are we going to show up together or separate? I figured I'd ask in case you wanna go with Razor...since Venti's probably already there." Aether asked, getting his shoes on.

"Let's just go together. Razor got a ride from Kazuha." Bennett answered, also putting his shoes on.

timeskip to when they arrive.

Venti was enjoying his second drink of the day.

Okay, maybe his fifth- but he'd never admit it.

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