11 - "...you said you're ready to face him again- so what's stopping you?"

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3rd person omniscient

Aether didn't notice until Xiangling pointed it out, but he indeed was crying.

"Aether...." Lumine began, "what's wrong?"

"I just don't want to lose him..." Aether began spilling his heart to his sister and best friend, "I don't know how I survived without talking to him about random bullshit, calling him at 3 in the morning and knowing he'd immediately pick up, knowing that I can make him smile like he deserves to...what am I gonna do if he decides he doesn't want to know me anymore?"

Lumine and Xiangling wrapped their arms around Aether and let him cry against them. They both held sympathy for him, and knew that they were the few people he'd ever be willing to cry in front of.

"It'll be alright, Aether." Lumine said gently while stroking her brother's hair.

time skip ehl oh ehl

Two weeks.

That's how long it took for Venti to finally text Aether.

The day before Christmas, and Aether woke up to hearing his phone go off.

He checked the time, and asked himself who the hell would text him at 2:35 in the morning.

(a/n it's 2:35 am while writing this rn and i thought you should know that <3)

Aether rubbed his eyes, squinting so that the brightness of the phone doesn't affect his eyes.

meet me at the café on campus at 8:30.

Aether didn't hesitate to reply, and his reply got left on seen.

At least he knows I'll be there...Aether thought, trying to be optimistic.

Ever since that night, Aether has been slowly remembering small details that (accidentally) occured.

It started with how they got to Venti's dorm, then what exactly (Aether couldn't help but blush just by remembering it) happened.


Meanwhile, Hu Tao was giving Venti his phone back.

"What did you- WHY DID YOU TEXT HIM?!" Venti immediately got flustered- he too was remembering that night.

"Because if I didn't, you wouldn't have. Face it, Venti, you two needed to talk sooner or later- why not just get it over with now?" Xiao agreed with his sister.

The three were hanging out in Xiao's dorm, since they were bored and Xingqiu was staying with a "dear friend".

Whatever that meant.

Venti read over what Hu Tao had typed, and also read Aether's reply that he'd be there.

Venti sighed as he realized that Hu Tao was right, this talk needed to happen.

(a/n the song meet me at our spot with willow, the anxiety, and tyler cole <3)

Xiao decided to look up from his phone, and give his opinion on the situation.

"You know, Venti...I hate to say it, but I'll agree with Hu Tao on this..." He started saying slowly, "I know how you feel about Aether- everyone does. You said you're remembering what happened that night, you said you're ready to face him again- so what's stopping you?"

Venti thought for a minute, but couldn't think of a legitimate reason for his hesitation.

"Exactly, Venti." Xiao finished.

This Side of Paradise (Aeventi) (finished) Where stories live. Discover now